系统管理学报 ›› 2015, Vol. 24 ›› Issue (3): 389-396.DOI: G 350.7

• 管理信息系统 • 上一篇    下一篇



  1. 延安大学 公共管理学院,延安 716000
  • 作者简介:侯宝柱(1984-),男,硕士,助教。研究方向为电子政务与信息化管理。 E-mail:baozhuby@163.com
  • 基金资助:


On the Determinants and its Influencing Mechanism of Trustworthiness in County-level e-government

HOU Bao-zhu,FENG Ju -xiang,He LING-min, GUO Jun   

摘要: 依据以往研究成果,提出了公众参与动机和意愿、服务质量感知及公务员信息素质对电子政务信用影响的3个假设。运用结构方程分析方法定量考察了这3个影响变量对电子政务信用水平的影响强度和影响路径。结果表明,公众参与动机和意愿对电子政务信用影响最强烈。服务质量感知和公务员信息素质对电子政务信用影响依次减弱,且服务质量感知可通过公众参与动机和意愿间接影响电子政务信用,公务员信息素质亦可通过服务质量感知间接影响电子政务信用。

关键词: 电子政务, 信用, 影响因素, 影响机理

Abstract: Based on extensive literature review, we develop three hypotheses concerning motivation and willingness for public participation, perceived service quality and the information quality of civil servants, which influence trustworthiness in e-government. Quantitative methods such as structural equation modeling are used to analyze the determinants and its influencing mechanism of trustworthiness in e-government. The results show that motivation and willingness for public participation has the strongest overall impact on trustworthiness in e-government. The overall impact of quality perception of service, information quality of civil servants on trustworthiness in e-government become weak in turn. Perceived service quality and information quality of civil servants indirectly influence trustworthiness in e-government.

Key words: E-government, trustworthiness, determinants, influencing mechanism