Journal of Systems & Management ›› 2022, Vol. 31 ›› Issue (2): 406-413.DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1005-2542.2022.02.017

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Distributed Dispatching Strategy of Virtual Power Plant Based on Energy Blockchain

WANG Haiqun,FEI Fei,CHEN Kailing   

  1. Economic and Technical Research Institute,State Grid Shanghai Electric Power Company,Shanghai 200090,China
  • Online:2022-03-28 Published:2022-04-09



  1. 国网上海市电力公司经济技术研究院,上海 200090
  • 作者简介:王海群(1968),男,高级工程师。研究方向为电力营销、需求侧管理
  • 基金资助:

Abstract: In order to improve the safety and economy of distributed energy dispatching in virtual power plants, and in view of the high risk, high cost and low efficiency of traditional centralized dispatching schemes, a distributed dispatching strategy for virtual power plants based on energy blockchain is proposed. The blockchain technology is introduced into the energy Internet system to form an energy blockchain network to realize distributed dispatching of virtual power plants. By using the criterion of equa consumption micro-increasing rate, the goal of virtual power plant power dispatch optimization is achieved. Using the PBFT (practical Byzantine fault tolerance) consensus algorithm in the blockchain, each distributed energy node has the complete key data of the entire network. When the load fluctuates, each node calculates the new power of its own unit and uploads the updated value to the chain for consensus. Realizing the reasonable distribution of new loads among units. The analysis of calculation examples shows that the algorithm proposed in this paper is credible and effective. The use of the blockchain technology to realize the economically optimized dispatching of DERs (distributed energy resources) in virtual power plants provides a credible reference scheme for the future operation mode of virtual power plants.

Key words: energy blockchain, virtual power plant, PBFT (practical byzantine fault tolerance) consensus mechanism, distributed dispatching, distributed energy

摘要: 为提高虚拟电厂中分布式能源调度的安全性和经济性,针对传统中心化调度方案存在的高风险、高成本、低效率问题,提出基于能源区块链的虚拟电厂分布式调度策略。将区块链技术引入能源互联网系统中,形成能源区块链网络进而实现虚拟电厂分布式调度。通过利用等耗量摭增率准则,达到虚拟电厂电能调度最优化的目的。利用区块链中的共识算法,每一个分布式能源节点拥有全网的完整关键数据,在负荷出现波动时,各个节点计算各自机组的新功率,并将更新后的数值上链进行共识,实现机组间合理分配新的负荷。算例分析表明,本文所提出的算法可信有效,利用区块链技术实现虚拟电厂中的经济最优化调度,为未来虚拟电厂的运行模式提供了一种可信的参考方案。

关键词: 能源区块链, 虚拟电厂, PBFT共识机制, 分布式调度, 分布式能源

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