
  • Decision Science and Operations Management

    Decision methodologies; decision analysis; analytics in operations; production and operations management; service operations management; supply chain management; revenue management; risk management

    Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management

    Transportation management; logistics management; quality management; stochastic system modeling and simulation; advanced manufacturing and production management; complex engineering system planning and designing; complex project construction and operation management; system integration and mega system management

    Data Analytics and Information Management

    Data analytics and business management; artificial intelligence and smart management; complex network and data mining; social media and information economy; IT adoption and user behavior management; online platform and mobile commerce; information retrieval and recommender system; data security, privacy and ethics

    Technology Management and Innovation

    Management of technology; technological innovation and entrepreneurship; technology transfer and commercialization; R&D management; strategy and policy of science and technology; national and regional innovation systems; intellectual property management; management reform driven by new technologies

    Digital Economy and Financial Engineering

    Digital platform design and management; digital governance and factor analysis in data; platform economy and platform governance; sharing economy and digital collaboration; securities and derivatives markets; asset pricing; quantitative investment; financial econometrics; financial risk management; financial technology

    Business Management and Corporate Finance

    Consumer behavior; marketing management and strategy; organizational management; organizational behavior; organizational culture; strategic human resource management; financing and investment; R&D and innovation; mergers and acquisitions; corporate governance; accounting, auditing and capital markets; corporate social responsibility

    Special Call for Papers: Industry Research and Case Study

    National key development industries, citizen livelihood oriented industries, and emerging economic markets related industry research; localization of international companies, internationalization of Chinese companies, and transformation of traditional companies related case study research

  • 2021-06-21 Visited: 25014