About Journal

  • Journal of Systems & Management is a comprehensive academic journal approved by National State of Scientific and Technological Commission and National Education Commission, supervised by the Ministry of Education and sponsored by Shanghai Jiao Tong University.  It is the journal of Society of Management Science and Engineering of China. The journal is recognized by the Department of Management Science of the National Natural Science Foundation of China as an important A-grade journal in management science, a Chinese Social Science Citation Index journal (CSSCI extension), a China Science Citation Database source journal (CSCD), a Chinese Science and Technology Core Journal, and a Chinese Core Journal. In 2020, the journal was selected as one of the recommended journals for high quality management science by FMS;  In 2021, it was selected as one of the "50 most influential Chinese business and management journals" by AMBA and Cabells; in 2021, it was selected as one of the first 26 "Chinese Case Study Journal Consortium".

    Journal of Systems & Management is edited by Professor WANG Huanchen, a renowned expert in the field of management science and systems engineering, as Honorary Editor-in-ChiefProfessor CHEN Hongmin of Antai College of Economics and Management in Shanghai Jiao Tong University, and Professor GAO Ziyou of Beijing Jiaotong University as Director of the Joint Editorial Committee, Professor CHEN Hongmin of Antai College of Economics and Management in Shanghai Jiao Tong University, as Editor-in-Chief, and Professor ZENG Saixing as Deputy Editor. The editorial board of the journal is composed of a number of renowned scholars in the field, including academicians of the Chinese Academy of Engineering and selected candidates of the National Talent Program. Journal of Systems & Management publishes the latest research results on theories, methods and applications related to the disciplines of management science and systems science,  including but not limited to decision science and operations management, industrial engineering and engineering management, data analytics and information management, technology management and innovation, digital economy and financial engineering, business management and corporate financeas well as industry research and case study related to the above fields.

    Journal of Systems & Management is aimed at teachers, students and researchers from universities and colleges in the fields of management science and systems science all over the world, as well as those engaged in the application of management science and engineering and systems engineering theories and methods in various fields. The journal aims to become a high-level Chinese academic journal with international influence in the field of management science and systems science.

    The journal was established in 1992 under the original name of Application of Systems Engineering Theory and Methods and was renamed as Journal of Systems & Management in 2006. It is now a bimonthly journal with about 200 pages per issue.

    Editorial Address: Room 709, Haoran Building, 1954 Huashan Road, Xuhui District, Shanghai Jiao Tong University (Xuhui Campus), Shanghai 200030, China

    TEL: 021-52301082

    Submission Email: xtglxb_sjtu@sjtu.edu.cn

    Submission System:


  • 2021-01-04 Visited: 45346