Journal of Systems & Management ›› 2019, Vol. 28 ›› Issue (6): 1178-1187.DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1005-2542.2019.06.019

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Joint Ordering and Advertising Decisions Considering Temperature Sensitive Demand and Loss Aversion

CAO Bingbing, FAN Zhiping, YOU Tianhui, LI Qi   

  1. School of Business Administration, Northeastern University, Shenyang 110167, China
  • Online:2019-11-28 Published:2020-01-15



  1. 东北大学 工商管理学院,辽宁 沈阳  110167
  • 作者简介:曹兵兵(1986-),男,博士生。研究方向为行为运作管理。
  • 基金资助:

Abstract: In the real world, temperature uncertainty and retailers’ psychological behaviors often affect the joint ordering and advertising decisions for temperature sensitive products. However, studies on this topic is still few and far between. In this paper, a method is proposed based on the utility model for joint ordering and advertising decisions concerning temperature sensitive demand with loss aversion. First, in consideration of the impact of temperature uncertainty on demand, a demand function for temperature sensitive products is provided. Then, in consideration of the loss aversion of retailers, a utility function for temperature sensitive demand is constructed, based on which, the optimal order quantity and advertising effort are determined by solving the model. Finally, by adopting sensitivity analysis, the impacts of average temperature in the selling season, the temperature sensitive parameter, and the loss aversion parameter on retailers’ optimal order quantity, optimal advertising effort, and optimal retail price are analyzed. The results show that the average temperature in the selling season, the temperature sensitive parameter, and the loss aversion parameter can affect retailers’ optimal policy to varying degrees.

Key words: joint ordering and advertising decisions, temperature sensitive demand, lossaversion

摘要: 现实中,温度不确定性与零售商的行为因素往往能够影响温度敏感型产品的订货与广告联合决策结果,然而,针对这方面的研究还不多见。针对考虑温度敏感需求及零售商损失规避行为的订货与广告联合决策问题,给出了一种基于效用模型的决策方法,首先,考虑温度变化对温度敏感型产品市场需求的影响,构建了一个考虑温度敏感性的需求函数;然后,考虑零售商的损失规避行为,构建了针对温度敏感需求的效用模型;在此基础上,通过求解模型确定了使得零售商效用最大的订货量与广告努力水平;最后,通过参数分析说明了零售价格内生情形下销售季内平均温度、温度敏感系数和损失规避系数对零售商最优订货量最优广告努力水平和最优零售价格的影响。研究结果表明,销售季内平均温度、温度敏感系数以及零售商的损失规避程度均会不同程度地影响零售商的最优策略。

关键词: 订货与广告联合决策, 温度敏感需求, 损失规避

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