Journal of Systems & Management ›› 2020, Vol. 29 ›› Issue (4): 684-697.DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1005-2542.2020.04.008

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Efficiency Measurement and Inefficiency Analysis of Public Transportation

LI Jinpei, XU Liqun, YAO Di   

  1. Antai College of Economics and Management, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Shanghai 200030, China
  • Online:2020-07-29 Published:2020-08-10



  1. 上海交通大学 安泰经济与管理学院,上海 200030
  • 通讯作者: 徐丽群(1963-),女,博士,教授,博士生导师。
  • 作者简介:李金培(1989-),女,博士生。研究方向为城市交通管理、交通运输经济与政策与居民消费行为
  • 基金资助:


Under the VRS assumption, the efficiencies of public transportation with and without considerations of environmental factors in central cities of China from 2010 to 2016 are measured based on the SBM-undesirable model and weighted SBM model, respectively. Moreover, the contributions of the inputs and outputs to inefficiencies are analyzed based on the decompositions of inefficiencies. The research results show that there is a big difference between the efficiency of public transportation with and without consideration of environmental factors, where the average efficiency of public transportation without consideration of environmental factors is underestimated. Of all the inputs and outputs, the number of employees, the number of passengers, and air pollutant hydrocarbon (HC) are the most important sources of the inefficiency considering environmental factors from the aspects of input, desirable and undesirable output, respectively. The contribution of the various inputs and outputs factors to public transportation inefficiency differs in different regions, but no matter whether or not environmental factors are considered, the number of passengers is the expected output element with the largest contribution to public transportation inefficiency.

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在规模报酬可变(VRS)假定下,分别基于考虑环境因素的SBM-Undesirable Model和不考虑环境因素的Weighted SBM Model对36个中心城市的公共交通效率进行衡量,并进行对比分析;在无效率分解基础上,进一步分析投入产出要素对无效率的贡献度。研究表明:考虑与不考虑环境因素的公共交通效率之间存在较大差异,其中不考虑环境因素的公共交通平均效率被低估;从业人员、客运量和空气污染物HC分别是对考虑环境因素的公共交通无效率贡献度最大的投入要素、期望产出要素和非期望产出要素;各投入产出要素对考虑环境因素的公共交通无效率的贡献度在不同地区之间存在差异;无论是否考虑环境因素,客运量都是对公共交通无效率贡献度最大的期望产出要素。

关键词: 公共交通, 效率, 无效率分解, 环境因素

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