Journal of Systems & Management ›› 2022, Vol. 31 ›› Issue (2): 353-361.DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1005-2542.2022.02.012

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Privacy Exchange Behavior of APP Users, Considering Different Usage Scenarios

HAN Zhen,SHI Lei,ZHAO Yanlin   

  1. School of Maritime Economics and Management,Dalian Maritime University,Dalian 116000,Liaoning,China
  • Online:2022-03-28 Published:2022-04-09



  1. 大连海事大学 航运与经济管理学院,辽宁 大连 116000
  • 作者简介:韩震(1974-),男,博士,教授。研究方向为交通运输规划与企业管理
  • 基金资助:

Abstract: The rich functions of APP not only bring convenience to users’ lives, but also make many users face the risk of privacy leakage. The trade-off between functions and privacy is one of the most important and active issues in the field of user privacy behavior research. The introduction of psychological latent variables and usage scenario variables can take into account the influence of subjective and objective factors and improve the ability to explain and predict users’privacy exchange behavior. First, based on the CPM theory, psychological latent variables are proposed, and a MIMIC model is constructed. Next, the usage scenario variable of privacy exchange behavior is proposed based on TAM, and four usage scenarios are set. Finally, an integrated choice and latent variable (ICLV) model is established. The results show that usage scenarios have a significant impact on users’ privacy exchange behavior, and the influencing factors of users’privacy exchange behavior are different in different scenarios. Privacy-oriented users are less affected by scenario factors, and the probability of privacy exchange behavior in each scenario is low, while function-oriented users have a higher probability to exchange except the "free registration” scenario.

Key words: APP usage scenarios, privacy exchange behavior, integrated choice and latent variable model

摘要: APP丰富功能给人类生活带来便利的同时, 也使得众多用户面临着隐私泄露的风险。在功能和隐私之间进行选择的隐私交换行为, 已经成为APP隐私问题研究中的焦点。引入心理潜变量和使用场景变量, 能够兼顾主客观因素的影响, 提升对用户隐私交换行为的解释和预测能力。首先, 基于CPM理论提出心理潜变量, 构建MIMIC模型; 其次, 基于TAM提出隐私交换行为使用场景变量, 设置4个使用场景; 最后, 建立ICLV模型。结果表明: 使用场景对用户隐私交换行为产生显著影响, 且不同使用场景下用户隐私交换行为影响因素不同; 隐私导向型用户受使用场景因素影响较小, 隐私交换行为在各使用场景发生概率均较低; 而功能导向型用户除“免费注册”场景, 均存在较高发生概率。

关键词: APP使用场景, 隐私交换行为, 混合选择模型

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