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    28 May 2024, Volume 33 Issue 3 Previous Issue   

    Comparative Study on Remanufacturing Modes Under Different Recycling Channels

    XIA Xiqiang, LI Mengya, LU Mengyuan
    2024, 33 (3):  547-564.  doi: 10.3969/j.issn.1005-2542.2024.03.001
    Abstract ( )   PDF (41026KB) ( )  

    In order to evaluate the influence of two distinct remanufacturing modes on the assortment of recycling channels within the framework of intellectual property rights protection, intricate game models were developed encompassing three recycling channels, i.e., original equipment manufacturer(OEM) recovery, remanufacturer recovery, and retailer recovery. These models are meticulously designed based on the outsourcing and authorizing remanufacturing modes, respectively. The primary objective is to conduct an in-depth examination and analysis from the dual perspectives of environmental impact and financial gains, with the aim of discerning the most optimal selection of recycling channels in varying remanufacturing modes. It is found that the wholesale and retail pricing structure of new products exhibits stability, remaining unaffected by the choice of a specific recycling channel. Conversely, the pricing dynamics and sales volume of remanufactured products, contingent on distinct remanufacturing modes, are subject to the influence of consumer preferences and the cost advantages inherently tied to the process of remanufacturing. In the context of authorizing remanufacturing, the utilization of the OEM recovery channel not only establishes a mutually beneficial arrangement amongst the OEM, remanufacturer, and retailer in terms of profit generation but also contributes to the advancement of the remanufacturing sector while mitigating environmental repercussions. Conversely, when considering the scenario of outsourcing remanufacturing, the adoption of the remanufacturer recovery channel emerges as the most advantageous option, effectively attaining both economic advantages and environmental benefits. In the realm of authorizing remanufacturing, the implementation of the OEM recovery channel and the adoption of the remanufacturer recovery channel within the context of outsourcing remanufacturing exhibit analogous effects on the sales performance of remanufactured products, environmental considerations, and retailer financial gains. Nevertheless, both the OEM and the remanufacturer demonstrate a predilection towards their respective recovery channels as means to optimize profit generation. The selection of an optimal remanufacturing mode and recovery channel necessitates a comprehensive evaluation of the recovery capacities possessed by the OEM and the remanufacturer.

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    Recovery Option-Based Hybrid Combinatorial Remanufacturing Strategy for PCB-Based Products

    SHANG You, LI Sijie
    2024, 33 (3):  565-577.  doi: 10.3969/j.issn.1005-2542.2024.03.002
    Abstract ( )   PDF (10514KB) ( )  

    For printed circuit board (PCB)-based products where the components rely on PCB for electrical interconnection, hybrid combinatorial remanufacturing strategies are proposed based on the quality statuses and recovery options of recycled products, aiming to minimize remanufacturing costs by optimizing individual decisions and component utilization. To quickly generate and solve the optimization models, the disposal costs are accurately measured by logical operations of binary codes. Moreover, extensive numerical experiments are conducted to examine the applicability and effectiveness of the models and algorithms proposed. It is found that products with high material costs and low operating costs are suitable for hybrid combinatorial remanufacturing, which is consistent with the reality of consumer electronic products, where the factory-refurbished version is scheduled to go on sale as routine. The Inter-SKU combination proposed can be expected to reduce the cost by over 10% and 30% than the Inner-SKU combination and no combination, respectively, where the reuse of high-value chips contributes to the cost reduction. The remanufacturing strategies and algorithms proposed in this paper are helpful for manufacturers to achieve lean remanufacturing, improve the efficient use of resources, and promote the realization of China’s “dual carbon” goal.

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    Berth Scheduling Mode and Method with Information Sharing

    ZHAO Yatong, LI Na, SHEN Lixin
    2024, 33 (3):  578-588.  doi: 10.3969/j.issn.1005-2542.2024.03.003
    Abstract ( )   PDF (5278KB) ( )  

    The development of information technology including blockchain provides the opportunity for information sharing and improves collaborative operation among terminals. To solve the disruption in berth allocation with unshared information, this paper proposes a mechanism with information sharing among terminals, which contains sharing data, access permission, and updating process of all the participants. Focusing on the operation pattern and method of dynamic berth scheduling, it discusses the influence of information sharing on the turnaround time of all the vessels, with respect to the degree of participants’ involvement, timeliness, etc. The numerical experiments demonstrate the advantages of information sharing, and the degree of involvement and timeliness of information plays a very important role in improving the service of the terminal. Even if it is only a little of the information shared, it can improve the efficiency of berth utilization in downstream ports, shorten the turnaround time of vessels, reduce the interference of uncertainties on berth planning, and mitigate the spread of ship delays at the present terminal.

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    Blockchain Investment and Copyright Protection in Digital Publishing Supply Chain

    ZHEN Ye, TIAN Jiale, WANG Wenli
    2024, 33 (3):  589-600.  doi: 10.3969/j.issn.1005-2542.2024.03.004
    Abstract ( )   PDF (2053KB) ( )  

    The immutability, security and traceability of the blockchain technology can be well used to solve the problem of piracy in digital content products. In this case, the decision-making issues of publisher optimal pricing and platform optimal copyright protection intensity in a digital publishing supply chain composed of publishers, sales platforms, and consumers in traditional copyright protection and blockchain copyright protection modes are explored, and the performance of the supply chain is compared. It is found that in the copyright protection mode under blockchain, platforms implement strict copyright protection, which increases the attractiveness of genuine products and compensates for the profit loss caused by publishers lowering prices to increase demand under traditional copyright protection. However, platforms are only willing to invest in blockchain when the investment cost is low, which cannot maximize the benefits of the supply chain. In response to this issue, contracts are designed which has increased the motivation of the platform to invest in blockchain. Finally, a study is conducted to investigate the impact of platform investment in blockchain on the consumer surplus and social welfare of consumers who purchase genuine products. It is found that investing in blockchain can improve social welfare, but will harm the consumer surplus of genuine products to some extent.

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    Comparative Study of Supply Chain Buyback Contract and Compensation Contract Under Uncertainty of Supply and Demand 

    CHEN Suilei, XUE Weili, SHEN Jia
    2024, 33 (3):  601-617.  doi: 10.3969/j.issn.1005-2542.2024.03.005
    Abstract ( )   PDF (6518KB) ( )  

    This paper mainly studies how the firm restricts the behavior of supply chain members by signing an effective contract (such as a payback contract or a buyback contract) under the uncertainty of the supply chain. Specifically, it considers a two-stage manufacturer-retailer supply chain with both demand and production uncertainties. It studies the Stackelberg game model in a pricing-order-production-sales cycle, in which the purpose of each party is to maximize its profits. It theoretically proves that there exists a unique equilibrium between the optimal input output and optimal order quantity that maximizes profits, revealing the impact of factors such as production costs, wholesale prices, and uncertainty in production and demand on the equilibrium. Finally, from the perspectives of manufacturers and retailers, it compares their profit levels under different contract mechanisms. For manufacturers, when the retail compensation unit price is relatively high compared to the manufacturer’s production cost, in most cases, the compensation contract is better than the repurchase contract. When the retail compensation unit price is relatively low compared to the manufacturer’s production cost, it is exactly the opposite. For retailers, in most cases, repurchase contracts are superior to compensation contracts, with the only exception being when the manufacturer’s product profit margin is relatively small, production uncertainty is high, and demand uncertainty is low.

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    Optimal Capacity Decision-Making of Omnichannel Catering Firms Based on Social Interaction Perspective

    ZHAN Wentao, JIANG Minghui, LI Chengzhang
    2024, 33 (3):  618-633.  doi: 10.3969/j.issn.1005-2542.2024.03.006
    Abstract ( )   PDF (3983KB) ( )  

    Omnichannel catering firms need to maintain a balance between supply and demand in production and operation to obtain optimal profits. Among them, supply is closely related to the capacity of ordering, production and delivery stages, while demand from customers is usually affected by social interaction. Based on the M/M/1 queuing theory, this paper constructs a stylized decision model to analyze the optimal capacity decision under the influence of social interaction. The result shows that social interaction effect can increase customer demand and promote catering firms to improve the production capacity of all stages, and thus effectively increase profits. In addition, compared with the single-channel operation, the omnichannel operation of catering firms can effectively increase profits with demand growth and the production scale effect. Moreover, with the strengthening of social interaction effect, profit growth is more significant. It is expected that this paper can provide decision-making reference for high-quality operating modes of catering firms in the digital economy by studying the optimal production capacity decisions of catering firms in different operating modes.

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    Real-Time Transshipment Strategy for In-Transit Inventory in Replenishment Management Systems of Gas Stations

    LI Fangfang, SUN Lijun, ZHANG Hang
    2024, 33 (3):  634-650.  doi: 10.3969/j.issn.1005-2542.2024.03.007
    Abstract ( )   PDF (1854KB) ( )  

    The real-time transshipment problem of in-transit inventory in replenishment management systems of gas stations needs to consider not only transshipment time and uncertain future demand but also real-time response to transshipment demand. In response to this problem, with the goal of maximizing the overall profit of the remaining decision time period, this paper proposes a method to divide the overall profit into two parts by combining the demand forecasting model and the stochastic demand distribution. First, the remaining decision time period is divided into two parts. Then, the demand for the first period is quantified according to the demand forecasting model, and the total profit for this period and the inventory level at the beginning of the second period are determined. Next, the uncertainty of the demand is measured using the stochastic distribution, and the value function of the inventory level is solved based on the approximate dynamic programming algorithm to measure the total profit of the second period. Afterwards, the selection rule of stations where some in-transit inventory can be transshipped is designed, which can reduce the decision space and improve the response efficiency of the strategy. Finally, the comparative experiment verifies the effectiveness of the transshipment strategies generated by the proposed method under different station sizes and initial inventory ranges, as well as obtains the managerial implications. This paper can provide decision-making support for the real-time transshipment of in-transit inventory in the replenishment management system of gas stations, and enlighten significance for similar real-time transshipment problems that need to consider both transshipment time and future demand.

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    Robust Scheduling Optimization for Public Health Emergencies Considering Resource Transfer

    QIAO Congcong, ZHENG Weibo, MA Zhiqiang, HE Zhengwen
    2024, 33 (3):  651-666.  doi: 10.3969/j.issn.1005-2542.2024.03.008
    Abstract ( )   PDF (1990KB) ( )  

    Resource fluctuation has a great impact on the efficiency and cost of emergency rescue in public health emergencies. This paper studies the protection of the rescue plan from the negative influence of resource fluctuation by resource transfers based on the project plan with resource buffers to minimize the total cost of emergency rescue project. First, the problem studied is identified, and a robust optimization model is constructed with three groups of decision variables. Then, based on the NP-hardness attribute of studied problem and the characteristics of decision variables, a two-layer nested tabu search heuristic algorithm with improvement measures is developed and tested compared with multi-start iteration improvement algorithm. Finally, the effects of the key parameters on the objective of total cost are analyzed. The results show that there exist the trade-off relationships among resource buffer cost, delay cost, and resource transfer cost in the process of rescue schedule optimization. Resource transfers based on the project plan with resource buffers can optimize the resources both inside and outside the project, and improve the efficiency of resources reserve and emergency rescue.

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    Medical Recommendation Model Considering Patient Preference Diversity with Persistent Use Behavior

    DU Gang, HUANG Liyuan, XU Xingjuan
    2024, 33 (3):  667-685.  doi: 10.3969/j.issn.1005-2542.2024.03.009
    Abstract ( )   PDF (3354KB) ( )  

    Information explosion makes it difficult for patients to choose a doctor, and it has also limited the efficient use of Internet medical services. In this paper, a study is conducted on an intelligent medical recommendation model that considers the diversity of patient preferences for medical treatment, mainly focusing on the decision-making preferences of patients with sustained usage behavior, such as preferences for doctor service quality, knowledge contribution, electronic reputation, and medical experience, taking into account graded diagnostic and treatment standards when constructing feature variables. Based on the relative quantity, the comprehensive score is calculated by using the entropy weight-TOPSIS multi-index evaluation model, and the score result is used as the target variable, while the support vector regression algorithm optimized by the improved sparrow search algorithm is used to mine the relationship between the feature variable and the target variable, thereby constructing an intelligent medical recommendation model. According to the recommendation model, the comprehensive performance of doctors recommended is better, and the adoption rate of recommendations has also increased.

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    EID Public Opinion Guidance Model Based on Heterogeneous Agent Modeling

    XU Liwei, HAN Mingxing, LU Yanxia
    2024, 33 (3):  686-704.  doi: 10.3969/j.issn.1005-2542.2024.03.010
    Abstract ( )   PDF (11694KB) ( )  

    Understanding the intrinsic mechanisms of public opinion on emerging infectious diseases (EID) can assist the government in formulating precise guidance strategies. There is a lack of research that analyzes personalized guidance strategies from the perspective of heterogeneous netizens and dynamic evolution of public opinion. This paper, integrating Wilson’s model of information behavior, personality traits, and other theories, analyzes the interaction preferences of heterogeneous netizens’ opinion by using the vector autoregression model, designs the interaction process of netizens based on the Deffuant model, and constructs and calibrates a computational experimental model of EID public opinion guidance based on heterogeneous agents. Then, it analyzes the evolution of EID public opinion and the guidance strategy based on risk perception, emotion and interpersonal influence, and proposes the personalized guidance strategies for heterogeneous netizens in the EID context. This paper enriches the research on precise guidance of public opinion, helps the government understand and master the development trend of public opinion for EID, and guides the government to formulate precise guidance strategies for public opinion characteristics of EID and heterogeneous netizens.

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    Construction and Optimization of Circular Economy Supervision Mode Considering Public Participation

    DAI Shufen, NI Yu, WANG Chen, YANG Qingyan
    2024, 33 (3):  705-720.  doi: 10.3969/j.issn.1005-2542.2024.03.011
    Abstract ( )   PDF (11734KB) ( )  

    China has proposed to develop the circular economy for nearly 30 years. Although considerable achievements have been made, effective policies and regulations are still needed to further promote the circular economy, especially when facing the goal of “carbon peaking and carbon neutrality” and the requirements of high-quality development. By taking the supervision role of the public on governments and enterprises into account, this paper constructs an evolutionary game model with the characteristics of government approval, enterprise reporting, and public supervision. Then, it constructs a system dynamics model to further analyze the impact of the public supervision, government incentives, and the punishment of making falsified report on the equilibrium solution. The results show that public participation can effectively compensate for the lack of government supervision by restricting the behavior choice of enterprises and the governments. By transforming the public into the most extensive supervisor of circular economy, a win-win situation among governments, enterprises, and the public can be achieved.

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    Choice of Subsidy Policy Instruments for Promoting Green Technological Progress

    ZHANG Wenqing, DONG Jingrong, LI Tingting, CHEN Yuke
    2024, 33 (3):  721-734.  doi: 10.3969/j.issn.1005-2542.2024.03.012
    Abstract ( )   PDF (1579KB) ( )  

    The existing literature focuses on the impact of government subsidies on technological progress, but does not pay attention to their effects on green technological progress, especially neglecting the differential effects of various subsidy policy instruments. This paper employs the biased technological progress framework proposed by Acemoglu et al. to mathematically deduce the differential impacts and mechanisms of environmental subsidies and research and development (R&D) subsidies on green technological progress. Subsequently, the theoretical results are empirically tested by decomposing and measuring the provincial industrial green technological progress index in China from 2001 to 2020. The result shows that both environmental subsidies and R&D subsidies have a positive impact on green technological progress. Environmental subsidies mainly promote green technological progress by enhancing technology diffusion, and their effect is negatively moderated by relative energy prices. R&D subsidies promote green technological progress by incentivizing independent R&D, and their effect is positively moderated by relative energy prices. Further analysis reveals that with the deepening of China’s energy market reform and the market-oriented transformation of environmental policies in recent years, relative energy prices have continued to rise, which has helped to increase the promoting effect of R&D subsidies on green technological progress. It is recommended that the central government of China coordinate the design of energy policies, environmental policies, and industrial subsidy plans to guide local governments to strengthen their efforts in environmental subsidies and R&D subsidies. Local governments in China should adjust their subsidy strategies in a timely and appropriate manner based on a precise understanding of national energy and environmental policy deployments. This will allow them to gradually shift policy resources from environmental subsidies towards R&D subsidies.

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    Default Risk Prediction Model for  Chinese Listed Companies Based on XGBoost

    CHI Guotai, WANG Shanshan
    2024, 33 (3):  735-754.  doi: 10.3969/j.issn.1005-2542.2024.03.013
    Abstract ( )   PDF (3743KB) ( )  

    Accurate prediction of default risk of listed companies is essential to credit risk evaluation and an important basis for financial institutions to make credit decisions. This paper, by selecting the optimal feature subset with a strong default discriminative ability using the linear regression model based on the Akaike information criterion (AIC) measure, and utilizing particle swarm optimization (PSO) algorithm, builds an extreme gradient boosting (XGBoost) default prediction model based on selected feature subset. Based on the dataset covering 3 425 A-share listed companies in China for different time windows, it empirically compares the proposed model (PSO-XGBoost)  with thirteen well-known benchmark models, including logistic regression and support vector machine, to check the effectiveness of the model. Moreover, it uses Friedman test to further examine the significant difference between the proposed model and the benchmark models using three credit datasets from UCI machine learning repository. The empirical results on listed companies dataset show that the proposed model has a good prediction performance and outperforms other benchmark models in terms of geometric mean G-mean. The majority of performance measures on three credit datasets show that the average prediction performance of the proposed model surpasses that of other benchmark models. This paper obtains the feature importance measured by the relative contribution of each feature to the prediction results and increases the interpretability of the model. The findings reveal that financial indicators containing asset liability ratio, current ratio, and long-term debt to asset ratio have the greatest effects on default prediction. Macro factors including industry prosperity index, gross retail sales growth rate of consumer goods, and growth rate of cash in circulation M0supply, are important features affecting default prediction. This paper provides effective methods and empirical evidence for improving the prediction accuracy of default risk, which helps strengthen the early warning and prevention of default risk for listed companies, reduces regulatory costs for default risk, and provides decision-making support for enterprise managers, creditors, and investors.

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    Does High-Speed Railway Affect Corporate Environmental Investment? Analysis Based on the Perspective of Environmental Supervision

    ZHU Jiali, LÜ Minghan, XU Guanghua
    2024, 33 (3):  755-770.  doi: 10.3969/j.issn.1005-2542.2024.03.014
    Abstract ( )   PDF (1414KB) ( )  

    Since the 21st century, the rapid development of high-speed railway in China has greatly promoted the transmission of information and other elements. This paper, by using the quasi-natural experiment of the operation of high-speed railway, measures the change of environmental supervision efficiency. It adopts the difference-in-difference method to test the impact of the operation of high-speed railway on the environmental protection investment of enterprises from the perspective of environmental supervision. It is found that the operation of high-speed railway has increased the scale of environmental investment by listed companies in cities along the high-speed railway lines, which is more significant when the new Environmental Protection Law has been implemented, or in those companies which are far away from the Environmental Protection Department. Moreover, the promotion effect of high-speed railway on corporate environmental investment is more significant in situations where state-owned enterprises and local governments have a strong environmental awareness, and corporate environmental information disclosure is poor. The results show that the operation of high-speed railway facilitates environmental supervision activities, which is conducive to improving the efficiency of environmental supervision. This paper provides empirical evidence that transportation infrastructure construction affects the high-quality development of enterprises.

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    Effect of Multiple Subjects on User-Generated Content in Online Firestorm Context

    ZHANG Min, HAN Feng, LI Yiwei
    2024, 33 (3):  771-781.  doi: 10.3969/j.issn.1005-2542.2024.03.015
    Abstract ( )   PDF (1267KB) ( )  

    Based on the user posts under the topic of enterprise crisis events in Weibo, this paper explores the impact of multiple subjects’ engagement on negative user-generated content (UGC) in online firestorms. The data is analyzed by using the regression model and the gray correlation analysis. It is found that in the online firestorm caused by corporate crisis, there is a significant positive correlation between the proportion of negative posts in the public opinions prior to central enterprises’ response and the proportion of negative UGC of ordinary users. The more positive the valence of the central enterprises’ response posts, the lower proportion of negative UGC of ordinary users. However, the volume of the central enterprises’ response posts has no significant correlation with it. After the central enterprises’ response, the negative posting proportion of opinion leaders and online news media is significantly positively correlated with the negative UGC proportion of ordinary users, while that of government agencies is negatively correlated. Besides, the influence of each subject on ordinary users’ negative posting from strong to weak is as follows: opinion leaders, public opinion, online news media, and government agencies.

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    Algorithmic Management and Employee Creativity :Create by the Potential of Algorithm or Stay in the Digital Cage
    ZHAO Shuang, MA Jun
    2024, 33 (3):  782-800.  doi: 10.3969/j.issn.1005-2542.2024.03.016
    Abstract ( )   PDF (5916KB) ( )  

    It has become an irreversible trend for algorithmic management to replace traditional experience management. It is yet to be known whether algorithmic management that integrates the wisdom of “best practice” can help employees stand on the “shoulders of giants” and have more time and space to generate creativity, or leads to cognitive dependence or being confined to the “digital cage”. Based on the self-determination theory, a nonlinear framework of algorithmic management affecting employee creativity is constructed. Study 1 (pre study)  conducts text analysis on social media data using Python to obtain the emotional tendencies of the general public towards algorithmic management. Based on this, two different emotional tendencies, gain effect and loss effect, are extracted to lay the foundation for exploring the nonlinear effect of algorithmic management on creativity. Study 2 further explores the causes of nonlinearity and the role of employees’ “bottom-up” job crafting in this process. The results show that algorithmic management has an inverted U-shaped impact on creativity, internal motivation plays a mediating role, and job crafting alleviates the inverted U-shaped relationship between them. This paper clarifies the “too much is not enough” effect of algorithmic management and the internal mechanism of work remodeling to promote the internal mechanism of “enhancing strengths and supplementing weaknesses” of algorithmic management, which is of great significance for enterprises to optimize algorithmic management and promote innovation and development.

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    Impact of Employee Friendliness on Corporate Innovation from the Perspective of Hierarchy of Needs: A Textual Analysis Based on Annual Financial Reports

    LI Xiaoyu, HU Nan, WANG Haonan, MA Yan
    2024, 33 (3):  801-823.  doi: 10.3969/j.issn.1005-2542.2024.03.017
    Abstract ( )   PDF (2706KB) ( )  

    Employees are the source of corporate innovation. Can the attitude and behavior of corporate towards employees serve as a direction for enterprise innovation? There is no consensus on the relationship between employee friendliness and corporate innovation in the extant literature, and there is a lack of objective and effective measure of employee friendliness. To fill this research gap, based upon Maslow’s hierarchy of needs, this paper constructs a measure of employee friendliness by means of textual analysis and machine learning based on annual reports of A-share listed companies in China in 2001 and 2022. Then, it discusses and tests the influence of employee friendliness on corporate innovation based on the hierarchy theory for the first time. The empirical results show that employee friendliness has a positive impact on the number of granted patents and applied patents, and this effect is more significant for corporates with a higher employee education level and reside in areas with greater outside work opportunities. Further mechanism analysis shows that employee friendliness raises individual employee’s innovation efficiency and cooperation of teams in the corporate. Among the various dimensions of employee friendliness, the dimensions of humanistic concern, promotion, and self-actualization have a stronger promoting effect on enterprise innovation. Under the background of implementing the strategy on nourishing talents in the new era, this paper enriches the research in areas related to employee motivation and corporate innovation, confirms the critical role that employees play in the high quality and sustainable developments of corporate, reveals the importance of efficiency and cooperation in corporate development, and sheds lights on corporate policy in building relationships with employees.

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    Big Data, Limited Information, and Corporate Merger and Acquisition

    WU Qiong, LIU Yang, XIE Yanxiang, LIU Menghui
    2024, 33 (3):  824-839.  doi: 10.3969/j.issn.1005-2542.2024.03.018
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    This paper, by using merger and acquisition (M&A) events of A-share listed companies in China from 2007 to 2021 as a sample, and constructing indicators of the degree of “big data” application by M&A parties through text analysis of annual reports, tests the impact of big data application by M&A parties on M&A performance. It is found that M&A parties that apply big data obtain a higher overall M&A performance compared to those that do not apply big data. In addition, information access is the main mechanism by which big data improves the M&A performance of M&A parties. Moreover, the enhancement effect of big data on M&A performance is limited to the target company being a public company. When the target company is a non-public company, it is difficult for big data to significantly improve the M&A performance of the M&A party, indicating that big data analysis can only provide limited information based on the public information of the target company. Furthermore, the effect of big data on M&A performance is enhanced when there is a link between the M&A party and the directors of the target company, especially when the target company is a public company (compared with a non-public company), indicating that the combination of limited “hard information” of machines and “soft information” of people can significantly improve the M&A performance. Therefore, “human-computer cooperation” may be an effective strategy to improve the M&A performance in the digital age.

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    Obtaining Industry Competitive Advantage Through Technology and Supply Chain Management: A Study Based on GEM

    ZHANG Qinhong
    2024, 33 (3):  840-848.  doi: 10.3969/j.issn.1005-2542.2024.03.019
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    The power battery recycling industry has a certain and high-speed development prospect, and thus attracts a large number of enterprises to enter. In this paper, a systematic analysis of the power battery recycling industry is first conducted, pointing out that the clear industry growth space and survival time require enterprises to continuously improve technology. Product characteristics and industry development stage require enterprises to take technical ability as the basis of competition. The characteristics of decentralized supply in the recycling industry have high requirements for supply chain management. Therefore, technology research and development and supply chain management are the key to the competition of enterprises in the industry. Subsequently, the case of GME is used to explain and verify the ideas proposed, pointing out that GME’s advantages in technology comes from the founder’s emphasis on innovation, research and development (R&D) investment, and technical incentive mechanism, and the independent R&D-based method improved the R&D efficiency and industrialization of technology. In terms of supply chain management, the stability of supply and demand is ensured by stabilizing the supply source and entering the supply chain of downstream core enterprises, and technical advantages can enhance the supply chain discourse power of enterprises and ensure the international layout of the supply chain.

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