Journal of Systems & Management ›› 2022, Vol. 31 ›› Issue (1): 89-103.DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1005-2542.2022.01.008

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Paternalistic Leadership and Craftsmanship of Manufacturing Employees: Influence of Job Involvement and Team Positive Emotional Climate

ZHU Yongyue, MA Yuan, OUYANG Chenhui, GUO Minyu   

  1. School of Management, Jiangsu University, Zhenjiang 212013, Jiangsu, China
  • Online:2022-01-28 Published:2022-01-20



  1. 江苏大学 管理学院,江苏 镇江 212013
  • 作者简介:朱永跃(1981-),男,博士,教授。研究方向为组织行为与人力资源管理
  • 基金资助:

Abstract: Since the term “Craftsmanship” was formally proposed in the Report of the Work of the Government in 2016, the cultivation and propagation of craftsmanship has become a hot topic concerned by both the business community and academic circles. This paper, by introducing the paternalistic leadership widely existed in the Chinese management situation, constructs a cross-level function model, and discusses the specific mechanism of paternalistic leadership on employee craftsmanship in benevolent leadership, moral leadership, and authoritarian leadership. The leaders and employees from 103 work teams were investigated, and 434 paired data were obtained. Data analysis and hypothesis testing were conducted with the help of data analysis software such as HLM, SPSS, AMOS and so on. The results show that benevolent leadership and moral leadership can significantly positively predict the craftsmanship of employees, while authoritarian leadership can significantly negatively predict the craftsmanship of employees. Employee job involvement plays a partial mediating role in the positive correlation between benevolent leadership, moral leadership, and employee craftsmanship, as well as in the negative correlation between authoritarian leadership and employee craftsmanship. Team positive emotional climate positively moderates the positive correlation between benevolent leaders, moral leaders, and employee job involvement. Based on the these results, some suggestions are proposed for relevant management practices.

Key words: paternalistic leadership, craftsmanship, job involvement, team positive emotional climate

摘要: 自2016年政府工作报告正式提出“工匠精神”一词以来,如何培育和弘扬工匠精神成为企业界和学术界共同关注的热点话题。引入广泛存在于中国管理情境中的家长式领导,构建一个跨层次作用模型,探讨包含仁慈领导、德行领导和威权领导3个维度的家长式领导对员工工匠精神的具体作用机制。对103个工作团队的领导和员工进行调查,获得434份配对数据,借助HLM、SPSS、AMOS等数据分析软件进行数据分析和假设检验。结果发现:仁慈领导、德行领导均能显著正向预测员工工匠精神,威权领导显著负向预测员工工匠精神;员工工作卷入在仁慈领导、德行领导与员工工匠精神的正相关关系以及威权领导与员工工匠精神的负相关关系中起着部分中介作用;团队积极情绪氛围正向调节仁慈领导、德行领导与员工工作卷入的正相关关系。最后,根据研究结果对相关管理实践提出了建议。

关键词: 家长式领导, 工匠精神, 工作卷入, 团队积极情绪氛围

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