Journal of Systems & Management ›› 2022, Vol. 31 ›› Issue (5): 988-999.DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1005-2542.2022.05.015

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Servitization of Manufacturing,Front and Back-End Digitalization,and Enterprise Performance

PAN Rongronga,LUO Jianqianga, b,YANG Zichaoa   

  1. a.School of Management; b. China Research Institute for Agricultural Equipment Industry Development, Jiangsu University, Zhenjiang 212013, Jiangsu, China
  • Received:2022-02-28 Revised:2022-04-25 Online:2022-09-28 Published:2022-10-07



  1. 江苏大学 a.管理学院;b.中国农业装备产业发展研究院,江苏 镇江 212013
  • 作者简介:潘蓉蓉(1996-),女,博士生。研究方向为制造企业服务化、数字化、服务运营管理。
  • 基金资助:

Abstract: The value creation space of manufacturers is constantly squeezed under the product-dominant logic, and servitization and digitalization have become important means to promote the transformation and upgrading of manufacturers. By referring to the front-end and back-end theory, digitalization is divided into customer-oriented front-end digitalization of and manufacturing-supported back-end digitalization. The data from China’slisted manufacturing enterprises are collected for empirical analysis, and the internal influence mechanism between servitization of manufacturing, front-end and back-end digitalization,and enterprise performance is revealed. The results show that servitization of manufacturing contributes to the improvement of performance, and there is no service paradox in China’s manufacturing industry. Both front-end and back-end digitalization can improve enterprise performance, and positively moderate the relationship between servitization and performance. Further analysis indicates that front-end digitalization can not only expand the service content and improve the service quality but also feed back-end digitalization. Back-end digitalization empowers product manufacturing and reduces the enterprise’s operating cost. There are differences in the development of servitization, front-end and back-end digitalization of manufacturing enterprises in the eastern and central and western regions, and servitization and customer-oriented front-end digitalization in the eastern region is in a leading position. On the other hand, the manufacturing-oriented back-end digitalization development momentum is stronger in the central and western regions, but the development of servitization is slightly weak. This paper enriches the relevant theoretical achievements of servitization and digitalization, and provides guidance for the service transformation and upgrading of digital enabld manufacturing enterprises.

Key words: servitization, front-end digitalization, back-end digitalization, enterprise performance, manufacturing cost

摘要: 产品主导逻辑下制造企业价值创造空间不断遭受挤压,服务化与数字化已成为助推制造企业转型升级的重要手段。借鉴前后台理论,将数字化划分为面向客户的前台数字化与支持制造的后台数字化,通过收集中国上市制造企业的样本数据进行实证分析,剖析了制造企业服务化、前后台数字化与企业绩效之间的内在影响机理。结果表明:服务化有助于绩效的改善,且当前中国制造业暂未出现服务悖论现象;前后台数字化均可赋能绩效的提升,且正向调节了服务化与绩效的关系。进一步分析发现:前台数字化在扩展服务内容与提升服务质量的同时可反哺企业后台数字化水平的提升;后台数字化可赋能产品制造,降低制造成本;东部与中西部地区的制造企业服务化与前后台数字化发展水平存在差异,东部地区服务化与面向客户的前台数字化水平位居领先,而中西部地区面向制造的后台数字化发展势头更为强劲但服务化发展稍显疲软。研究丰富了服务化与数字化的相关理论成果,为数字化赋能制造企业服务化转型升级提供指导。

关键词: 服务化, 前台数字化, 后台数字化, 企业绩效, 制造成本

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