Journal of Systems & Management ›› 2022, Vol. 31 ›› Issue (2): 290-301.DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1005-2542.2022.02.007

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Mechanism of Vision-for-Change-Communication on Employees, Commitment to Change from the Perspective of Sensemaking

LI Fangyuan1,ZHOU Xiaohu1,ZANG Hui2   

  1. 1 School of Economics and Management,Nanjing University of Science and Technology,Nanjing 210094,China;2 School of Manaement,Nanjing University of Post and Telecomunications,Nanjing 210003,China
  • Online:2022-03-28 Published:2022-04-07



  1. 1 南京理工大学 经济管理学院,南京 210094;2 南京邮电大学 管理学院,南京 210003
  • 作者简介:李方圆(1992-),女,博士生。研究方向为组织变革、意义构建
  • 基金资助:

Abstract: Based on the process of "enactment-selection-retention" of sensemaking, this paper demonstrates anc tests the influencing mechanism of vision-for-change-communication on employees’ commitment to change. Ar analysis of the threewave survey data from 235 employees indicates that cognitive crafting could mediate the relationships between the vision-for-change-communication and employees’commitment to change. Change of self efficacy not only moderates the relationship between vision-for-change-communication and cognitive crafting, but also moderates the mediating effect caused by cognitive crafting. The conclusions complement the previous researches on the content perspective and communication perspective of vision for change, enrich the literature on individual differences in sensemaking in the context of change. and provide some inspiration for the practice or organizational change management.

Key words: vision for change, cognitive crafting, change self-efficacy, commitment to change, sensemaking

摘要: 基于意义构建的“设定-选择-保留”过程,论证并检验了变革愿景沟通对员工变革承诺的影响机制。通过对235份三阶段调查样本进行统计分析, 结果发现: 认知重塑在变革愿景沟通与员工变革承诺间具有显著中介效应; 变革自我效能感不仅在愿景沟通与认知重塑的关系间起调节效应, 对认知重塑的中介作用也具有调节效应。研究结论对以往变革愿景内容视角和沟通视角的研究进行了补充, 丰富了变革情境下意义构建过程的个体差异研究, 也为组织变革管理实践提供了一定的启发。

关键词: 变革愿景;认知重塑;变革自我效能感;变革承諾;意义构建 

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