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    28 September 2023, Volume 32 Issue 5 Previous Issue    Next Issue

    Live Streaming Decisions and Online Channel Structures Considering Information Interactions and Content Effect

    DUAN Yongrui, ZHOU Hao
    2023, 32 (5):  865-879.  doi: 10.3969/j.issn.1005-2542.2023.05.001
    Abstract ( )   PDF (4890KB) ( )  

    As live streaming e-commerce matures, more e-tailers are focusing on producing top-notch live streaming content. Meanwhile, real-time interactions of live streaming can effectively reveal product information. This paper develops a supply chain with a manufacturer and an e-tailer to explore live streaming strategy and selling mode selection (reselling or agency selling) through game models. It highlights several findings. First, when the live streaming content effectively improves consumers’ perception of the product quality, i.e., the content improvement effect is strong, and the cost is not high, live streaming should be adopted. Live streaming adoption can create a triple-win situation for the manufacturer, the e-tailer, and consumers. In addition, not all products are suitable for live streaming. Live streaming is more suitable for products with a high initial informativeness. Firms should consider multiple dimensions such as product attributes and target market to choose whether to adopt live streaming. Moreover, compared with intensive product introduction, high product quality, high prices, and rich content should be the development orientation of live streaming. Furthermore, in the absence of live streaming, if the agency fee is low (high), the agency selling (reselling) mode is the only common preference of both the manufacturer and the e-tailer. The adoption of live streaming will affect the choice of selling mode. Particularly, the reselling (agency selling) mode can also be the preferred choice for both the manufacturer and the e-tailer when the agency fee is low (high).

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    Pricing and Coordination Strategy of Retailer’s Dual-Channel Supply Chain with Vertical Shareholding of Supplier

    HE Lihong, LIU Zhouyan, GUO Zhaopeng
    2023, 32 (5):  880-888.  doi: 10.3969/j.issn.1005-2542.2023.05.002
    Abstract ( )   PDF (1847KB) ( )  

    Considering the retailer’s dual-channel supply chain where the supplier holds his vertical shares, the influences of supplier’s shareholding ratio and retailer’s online channel ratio were analyzed on supply chain members and system about some decisions, such as pricing in a supplier-led Stackelberg game based on centralized decision-making. The results indicate that in the dual-channel supply chain of the retailer, increasing the shareholding ratio of the supplier can further promote the demand of each channel and improve the total profit of the supplier and supply chain, but it will damage the retailer’s profit. The retailer’s market share of online channel has a positive impact on its price and sales volume. In contrast, the market share of traditional channel has the opposite effect. Finally, a two-part pricing contract was designed to coordinate the supply chain, and both the corresponding wholesale price range and transfer payment range were given, which was proved to be able to achieve flexible distribution of the total profits of the supply chain.

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    T-Spherical Probability Hesitation Fuzzy Set and Its Application in Green Entrepreneurship Project Performance Evaluation

    YUE Zhengliang, LI Beiwei, LIU Hongtao
    2023, 32 (5):  889-900.  doi: 10.3969/j.issn.1005-2542.2023.05.003
    Abstract ( )   PDF (1200KB) ( )  

    Based on the properties and advantages of t-spherical fuzzy sets (T-SFSs) and probability hesitant fuzzy sets (PHFSs), First, the concept of t-spherical probability hesitant fuzzy sets (T-SPFSs) is proposed, which can more accurately express the fuzziness and uncertainty of data. Then, the algorithm and properties of T-SPFSs are given. T-spherical probabilistic hesitant fuzzy weighted averaging (T-SPHFWA) operator and t-spherical probabilistic hesitant fuzzy weighted geometric (T-SPHFWG) operator are proposed and their properties are studied, including idempotency, commutativity, boundedness, and monotonicity. Finally, for solving the multi-attribute decision-making problem where the decision information is t-spherical probability hesitation fuzzy number (T-SPHFN), a multi-attribute decision-making model is constructed based on T-SPHFWA operator and T-SPHFWG operator. A green entrepreneurship project performance evaluation is to illustrate the feasibility and rationality of the proposed approaches method.

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    Differential Buffer Monitoring Model of Key Chain Program Based on Contracted Project Heterogeneity in Double Optimization Objectives

    FENG Jingchun, NIE Ruiqi, ZHANG Ke
    2023, 32 (5):  901-915.  doi: 10.3969/j.issn.1005-2542.2023.05.004
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    Program is the basic form of large-scale project organization and implementation. Since the program involves multiple stakeholders, the construction delay of the contracted project will amplify the risk of the employer. Therefore, how to improve the on-time completion probability of the contracted project, milestone contracted project and program through the effective monitoring of the buffer of the key chain program is the key to reducing the risk of the employer. First, from the perspective of the employer’s demand preference, the contracted project is divided into the employer’s present value preference contracted project and duration preference contracted project. Then, by analyzing the characteristics of milestone contracted projects, this paper studies and constructs the buffer monitoring model of key chain program based on the heterogeneity of contracted projects under different employer’s demand preferences. Finally, the buffer of key chain program is allocated according to the comprehensive utility, and different buffer monitoring benchmarks are set for the two types of contracted projects. At the same time, in combination with the milestone contracted project, the deviation correction measures of buffer monitoring benchmark are proposed. The simulation results show that compared with the traditional static unified buffer monitoring method, the differential monitoring method can realize the double optimization of the employer’s present value and construction period of the projected group at the same time, and improve the on-time completion probability of contracted projects, milestone contracted projects, and programs.

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    Integrated Time-and Resource-Based Robust Scheduling Algorithm for Multi-Skilled Projects

    HU Zhentao, CUI Nanfang, HU Xuejun, ZHANG Yan
    2023, 32 (5):  916-926.  doi: 10.3969/j.issn.1005-2542.2023.05.005
    Abstract ( )   PDF (1326KB) ( )  

    Inserting time buffer into project schedule and adjusting the resource flow are the main methods to deal with the uncertainty project in the research of project scheduling problem. However, most of the existing researches discussed them separately and rarely involved the robust scheduling method for multi-skilled projects. Therefore, based on the construction of a robust scheduling model for multi-skilled projects, this paper investigated, in detail, the interaction between time buffers and resource flow on the robustness of project schedule. It designed a robust scheduling algorithm for multi-skilled project that integrated time buffers and resource flow, which inserts time buffers into project schedule unit by unit and accordingly adjusts the resource flow in an iterative and interactive way, making full use of the interactive improvement on the robustness of project schedule. The experiments on a single-project instance and a project instance library show that compared with staged robust optimization methods, the integrated robust optimization algorithm could further improve the robustness of project schedule and reduce the deviation cost of project execution.

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    Outpatient Appointment Allocation and Scheduling Optimization for Unpunctual Patients in Multi-Doctor Scenario

    JIANG Bowen, SUN Xinyuan
    2023, 32 (5):  927-938.  doi: 10.3969/j.issn.1005-2542.2023.05.006
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    Patients may not be strictly punctual to the appointment time, which causes disorder between arrival and service. This paper mainly focuses on the unpunctuality of patients considering stochastic factors, such as cancellation and uncertain service time. To ensure the appointment effectiveness and consecutive doctor service, it proposes a service order alternative rule depending on actual arrival times of two adjacent patients. Towards the multi-doctor appointment system, it formulates a mixed 0-1 stochastic programming model which is transformed based on sample scenarios. Aimed at the model difficulties in large scale and variable complexity, it designs an UP-FU algorithm to decompose the model into two sub-problems, which iteratively solves the allocation model and optimizes the appointment time. Numerical experiments show that as patients are more likely to be late, the arrival variability increases, the probability of canceling reservations increases, the variety of appointment interval is higher, the schedule is generally closer, the outpatient department allocates more patients consecutively to the same doctor rather than to different doctors alternately.

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    Price Decision of Platform Enterprises Based on Consumer's Purchase History

    DONG Weigang, YANG Lijia, YAN Wenlu
    2023, 32 (5):  939-959.  doi: 10.3969/j.issn.1005-2542.2023.05.007
    Abstract ( )   PDF (3546KB) ( )  

    In the era of big data, platforms enterprises have realized personalized product recommendation and differential pricing for different types of consumers through consumer portraits. In this paper, the precise recommendation of products and services behavior of enterprises is incorporated into the Hotelling model in the form of consumer utility to analyze the motivation of duopoly enterprises to perform differential pricing and compare the welfare under different pricing methods. The results show that, in duopoly market competition, compared with unified pricing, the differential pricing behavior of the enterprise will reduce the profits of enterprises, but can increase the market share of enterprises, when the duopoly adopts asymmetric pricing strategy, the one with differential pricing has the advantage in market share competition. When the duopoly adopts the differential pricing with technology gap, the party with the leading technology has the advantage in market share competition. Counterintuitively, differential pricing does not always harm the welfare of consumers. Therefore, relevant departments should not blindly intervene in differential pricing, but should pay attention to the disorderly expansion of enterprises through differential pricing, so as to avoid the occurrence of unfair competition and profit after the formation of dominant market position.

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    An Adaptive Recommendation Method for Telemedicine Specialists with Feedback Adjustment

    LU Wei, GAO Pan, ZHAI Yunkai
    2023, 32 (5):  960-975.  doi: 10.3969/j.issn.1005-2542.2023.05.008
    Abstract ( )   PDF (3636KB) ( )  

    Doctor recommendation can help patients find telemedicine specialists who meet their needs quickly and accurately at a professional level, and ensure the value of healthcare delivery. An adaptive recommendation method for telemedicine specialists with feedback adjustment was proposed from the perspective of privacy protection, which emphasizes the adaptability and acceptability of recommended results. Through the modeling of patient electronic medical records and specialist long- and short-term knowledge features, similarities between knowledge features were mined, thereby alleviating the cold-start problem in specialist recommendation and generating specialist recommendation indices. Then, the interest and activity of specialists and feedback mechanism were incorporated into the recommendation framework, which realized the dynamic closed-loop adjustment and optimization of specialist recommendation while considering the individual behavior changes of specialists and preferences of patients, making the recommended results interpretable and adaptive, and improving the recommendation ability. Finally, the effectiveness of the fusion recommendation strategy proposed in this paper was verified by conducting multi-group comparative analysis experiments, which achieved the effective adaptation of patients’ needs and service capabilities. The research results not only have guiding significance for the practical telemedicine, but also provide a theoretical reference for future research.

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    Technological Imprint of Top Management Team and  Ambidextrous Green Innovation of Firms: Mediating Effect of Environmental Attention

    MA Meiting, WU Xiaojie, WANG Xiuqiong
    2023, 32 (5):  976-994.  doi: 10.3969/j.issn.1005-2542.2023.05.009
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    Combining the imprint theory and the upper echelons theory and taking 383 A-share listed firms as the sample, this paper investigated the mediating effect of environmental attention on the relation between technological imprint and ambidextrous green innovation of firms. The results show that when the top management team(TMT) has technological educational imprint, firms prefer exploratory green innovation, but when the TMT has technological positional imprint, firms prefer exploitative green innovation. Environmental attention has a mediating effect. When the TMT has technological educational imprint, firms are inclined to increase the degree of environment attention to choose exploratory green innovation, but when the TMT has technological positional imprint, firms are inclined to increase the degree of environment attention to choose exploitative green innovation. Exploring the differences in the theoretical mechanisms of different types of green innovation is of great significance to how firms can configure their TMT to promote green innovation in firms.

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    Diffusion Mechanism of Service Innovation Back-Feeding Product Innovation for Manufacturing Enterprises in  the Digital Environment

    LI Yujuan, LUO Jianqiang
    2023, 32 (5):  995-1008.  doi: 10.3969/j.issn.1005-2542.2023.05.010
    Abstract ( )   PDF (1701KB) ( )  

    In the digital environment, the synchronic development between service innovation and product innovation of manufacturing enterprises still has the problem of “Which came first, the chicken or the egg?. In order to reveal the back-feeding mechanism of service innovation on product innovation in the digital environment, with the help of the advantage that service innovation process can generate data/information to support product innovation, this paper constructed a Bass innovation diffusion model of service innovation back-feeding product innovation in the digital environment. It analyzethe influence of digitization on the relationship between two types of innovation, explorethe diffusion regular of two types of innovation from the perspective of knowledge transformation. The results show that the interaction between the two types of innovation in the digital environment can achieve a greater customer adoption of product innovation. Using digital technology to transform data into knowledge to guide product innovation can be accurate and easy for customers to adopt. The higher the digitalization level of manufacturing enterprises, the more significant the impact of internal and external factors on the diffusion of two types of innovation will be. The impact of external factors will gradually increase, while the impact of internal factors will gradually decrease. The prediction of the modified Bass innovation diffusion model is more accurate than that of the classical Bass model, and can reveal the process of service innovation back-feeding product innovation through knowledge transformation in the digital environment, which accords with the regular of innovation development of manufacturing enterprises in the digital economy.

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    Efficiency of Industrial Enterprise Innovation Resource Allocation Based on Dynamic StoNED Method

    SUN Long, LEI Lianghai
    2023, 32 (5):  1009-1021.  doi: 10.3969/j.issn.1005-2542.2023.05.011
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    Based on the panel data of industrial enterprises above designated size in 30 provinces and autonomous regions of China from 2011 to 2020, from the perspective of input-output, according to the theory of innovation value chain, the technological innovation activities of enterprises are divided into two stages, the first being research and development of technological achievements, and the second being transformation of technological achievements. A two-stage StoNED model is constructed to measure and study the allocation efficiency of innovation resources, and the Tobit model is used to analyze the two stages. The regression analysis is used to analyze the influencing factors of the segment efficiency. The results show that the efficiency of innovation resource allocation in both stages of industrial enterprises above designated size in China is in an “inverted U-shape”. The efficiency differs significantly between regions and is arranged from high to low in an “east-middle-west” order. The regional economic development level and scientific research strength positively affect the efficiency of the research and development stage, while the enterprise asset scale and the degree of enterprise attention positively affect the efficiency of transformation stage, and the government support has no significant effect on the efficiency of both stages. The findings of this paper provide new evidence for the formulation and implementation of policies such as innovation-driven development strategy from regional industrial enterprises above designated size.

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    Mobile Trading and Lottery-Like Stocks Demand: Empirical Evidence from A Share Market
    WU Haibo, WU Chongfeng
    2023, 32 (5):  1022-1035.  doi: 10.3969/j.issn.1005-2542.2023.05.012
    Abstract ( )   PDF (1580KB) ( )  

    With the development of digital economy, the channels for investors to participate in the market have become more diversified and mobile. Based on the mobile and desktop trading data of over 1.6 million individual investors from January 2011 to December 2019 provided by a large domestic securities firm, this paper systematically analyzes for the first time how the use of mobile devices affects the investment behavior of Chinese investors in lottery-like stocks. The results show that investors with a “gambling” motivation have a significant preference for mobile trading platform, and the activity of mobile trading is directly proportional to the lottery characteristics of stocks, but inversely proportional to the expected returns of stocks. With the growth of mobile investors, lottery-like stocks are trading more actively and with lower risk premiums. Further empirical analysis shows that the increasing use of mobile devices in the market affects the demand for lottery-like stocks by intensifying investors’ attention to lottery-like stocks.

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    Influence Mechanism of Life Time Poverty on Work-Family Conflict Based on a Case Analysis of C Company

    ZHENG Xingshan, ZHANG Rui, ZHANG Qi
    2023, 32 (5):  1046-1060.  doi: 10.3969/j.issn.1005-2542.2023.05.014
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    Given the rapid economic development that has contributed to the constant acceleration of social rhythm, life time poverty has evolved into a new normal and a new dilemma facing people. In this paper, an experiment is conducted to explore the impact of life time poverty on work-family conflict and its underlying mechanism on an individual level. A case analysis is conducted to reveal the intrinsic relationship between life time poverty and the three dimensions of work-family conflict from the qualitative and quantitative dimensions of time. In addition, an integrated theoretical framework is constructs for the impact of life time poverty on work-family conflict. The findings of this study indicate that life time poverty will contribute directly to work-family conflict from the dimension of time, including physical time conflict and psychological time conflict. In addition, life time poverty is an indirect contributor to the strain-based work-family conflict under the effect of mental energy depletion, which stems mainly from the pressure of working time and negative emotions. Moreover, life time poverty contributes indirectly to behavior-based work-family conflict under the effect caused by the mindset of time scarcity, with focus and tunneling as the two major pathways. This study contributes to enriching the research ideas of time poverty and making its influence wider. It is expected to provide more enlightenment for organizations and individuals to perform time management and address time poverty in theory and practice.

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    Members’ Cognitive Heterogeneity, Repeated Cooperation Probability, and Learning Performance in Dynamic Network-Based Organizations

    LIN Ziqiu, ZHANG Tianyi, LI Qiufu
    2023, 32 (5):  1061-1073.  doi: 10.3969/j.issn.1005-2542.2023.05.015
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    The new round of scientific and technological revolution and the trend of industrial transformation have created an urgent need for interdisciplinary knowledge production, which has led to the emergence of an organizational structure with a dynamic cooperation network as the main form. Existing research has focused on the relationship between members’ cognitive heterogeneity and organizational learning performance. There is a debate on this which has not yet been explored in dynamic cooperative network organizations. In this paper, the factor of repeated cooperation probability is introduced to construct a dynamic cooperation network. Based on the simulation of agent-based model, the influence of members’ cognitive heterogeneity on the learning performance of dynamic network-based organizations is studied, and three main findings are obtained. First, members’ cognitive heterogeneity has a positive impact on the mean value of organizational learning performance, but at the same time, it also leads to an increase in the variance of organizational learning performance and a decrease in reliability. At this time, increasing the probability of repeated cooperation can mitigate this negative impact and allow organizational learning to gain. There is a balance between “high mean” and “low variance”. Second, when the degree of cognitive consensus is high, organizations that pursue members’ cognitive homogeneity can effectively reduce the variance of learning performance; when the degree of cognitive consensus is low, organizations that pursue members’ cognitive homogeneity has little effect on reducing the variance of learning performance. Third, in organizations with a higher probability of repeated cooperation, cognitively homogeneous organizations have better learning performance than cognitively heterogeneous organizations in the early stages of development, but over time, cognitively heterogeneous organizations have better learning performance than cognitively heterogeneous organizations. The curves intersect and exceed those of cognitively homogeneous organizations, reaching higher levels in the long run. By introducing the variable “probability of repeated cooperation”, this paper bridges the existing theoretical debate on members’ cognitive heterogeneity and organizational learning performance to a certain extent, and provides theoretical guidance for cooperative network organizations to achieve efficient and stable learning.

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    Influencing Mechanism of Team Voice Disparity on Team Creativity
    CHEN Chao, ZHANG Shuman
    2023, 32 (5):  1074-1085.  doi: 10.3969/j.issn.1005-2542.2023.05.016
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    Voice disparity, as a phenomenon that cannot be ignored and ubiquitous in a team, has a critical impact on team creativity. Based upon the social information processing theory, this paper established a theoretical model to explore the effect of team voice disparity on team creativity. Moreover, it also investigated the mediating role of team conversational reflexivity and the moderating role of leader group prototypicality. It adopted multi-source and time-lag research design, based on the paired data of 75 teams including 410 members, and used statistical analysis software such as SPSS 20.0 to verify the proposed research hypothesis. The research findings indicate that first, team voice disparity has a negative impact on team creativity. Second, team conversational reflexivity promotes team creativity, and it plays a mediating role between team voice disparity and team creativity. Third, leader group prototypicality negatively moderates the association between team voice disparity and team conversational reflexivity. Finally, leader group prototypicality moderates the mediated relationship between team voice disparity and team creativity via team conversational reflexivity such that team conversational reflexivity can play a mediating role in the relationship between team voice disparity and team creativity when leader group prototypicality is lower.

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    Drinking Culture and Stock Price Crash Risk: Empirical Evidence from Chinese Stock Market

    CHENG Feiyang, YAO Shouyu, WANG Chunfeng, GAO Xuexin
    2023, 32 (5):  1086-1102.  doi: 10.3969/j.issn.1005-2542.2023.05.017
    Abstract ( )   PDF (1297KB) ( )  

    When the formal institutions are not perfect, the informal institutions such as culture will have a significant impact on firm behavior. Taking the A-share listed companies in the Chinese stock market as the research sample, this paper explored the economic consequences of regional drinking culture from the perspective of stock price crash risk. Evidence shows that crash risk is higher for firms in regions where the drinking culture are more prevalent. This result still holds after conducting a series of robustness tests and excluding the influence of endogeneity concerns. Channel analyses indicate that the drinking culture handers firm production efficiency and reduces information disclosure quality, which provide the crucial linkages from drinking culture to crash risk. Heterogeneity analyses find that the impact of drinking culture is more prominent in non-state enterprises. Meanwhile, higher institutional ownership, higher analyst coverage, and relatively perfect legal protection environment can suppress the drinking culture effects. The findings show that there exists a strong interactive relationship between formal institutional constraints and informal factors represented by drinking culture, which provides an important notion for further understanding of the role of informal institutional factors in China.

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    Dynamic Early Warning of Credit Risk of E-Commerce Micro and Small Enterprises Considering Status Indicators and Time Series Indicators

    BAO Xinzhong, LI Jiahang, LI Ying, XU Kun
    2023, 32 (5):  1103-1115.  doi: 10.3969/j.issn.1005-2542.2023.05.018
    Abstract ( )   PDF (3124KB) ( )  

    E-commerce micro and small enterprises have exposed the defect of insufficient risk resistance in the process of Internet financing. Its high dynamism and great influence from subjective expectation of enterprises also pose higher requirements for the constructed credit risk early warning model. In order to further improve the dynamic early warning model of credit risk of e-commerce micro and small enterprises, a study is conducted based on 10 periods of real transaction data of 337 micro and small enterprises in Taobao fresh food industry. First, a subjective and objective two-dimensional index system is established. Then, starting with the mapping principle of early warning, different risk measurement methods are adopted for the state index and time series index in the index system to extract dynamic information. Meanwhile, considering the expectation of decision-makers, the parameters of risk measurement model are set, a dynamic early warning model of credit risk is built, which is compared with the static model. The empirical results show that the overall discrimination accuracy and the early warning effect of the dynamic model are better, and the discrimination accuracy of medium risk enterprises is higher.

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