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    28 November 2023, Volume 32 Issue 6 Previous Issue    Next Issue

    Electric Vehicle Routing Optimization of Multi-Center Joint Distribution Based on Resource Sharing Modes

    WANG Yong, LI Huixing, LUO Siyu, ZHOU Jingxin, XU Maozeng
    2023, 32 (6):  1119-1141.  doi: 10.3969/j.issn.1005-2542.2023.06.001
    Abstract ( )   PDF (4225KB) ( )  

    In view of the shortcomings of the research on electric vehicle routing optimization in combination with charging station and vehicle sharing, this paper proposes several optimization strategies, including the charging station and electric vehicle sharing with multiple service periods and centralized transportation among multiple centers. In addition, it studies the electric vehicle routing optimization problem of multi-center joint distribution based on resource sharing. First, it establishes a bi-objective optimization model to minimize the operating cost, including the rental cost of electric vehicles, the cost of electricity consumption, the cost of service, the penalty cost for violating the time windows, and the number of electric vehicles. Then, it designs a 3D-K-means spatial-temporal clustering algorithm based on the characteristics of the model considering the geographic location and demand time windows of customers. Next, it proposes a hybrid algorithm consisting of the Clarke-Wright (CW) saving algorithm and the multi-objective particle swarm optimization (CW-MOPSO). It uses the CW saving algorithm to generate the initial solutions, and devises the charging station insertion strategy, the external archive update strategy, and the resource sharing strategy in MOPSO to improve the quality of Pareto optimal solutions. Afterwards, it verifies the proposed CW-MOPSO algorithm by comparing it with the non-dominated sorting genetic algorithm, the multi-objective genetic algorithm, and the multi-objective gradient evolution algorithm. Finally, it conducts a case study of the electric vehicle routing optimization problem of multi-center joint distribution based on the resource sharing modes with the actual data of a logistics enterprise in Chongqing, China. It analyzes and discusses the changes of the operating cost, the number of electric vehicles, the electricity consumption, and the number of used charging stations of the multi-center joint distribution network under the conditions of the uncertainty of the waiting time of electric vehicles in the charging station, the stepwise relationship between the electric vehicle power consumption and speed, and the different resource sharing modes. The results show that in the scenario where some charging stations queue up and the rest do not queue up, some electric vehicles will choose a charging station with a longer distance for charging in order to reduce the waiting time in the queue, which increases the driving distance of electric vehicles and has a higher penalty cost for customer delay. However, when the electric vehicles have different speed states in different service time periods, the power consumption of electric vehicles in the process of long-distance constant speed driving is less than that of short-distance driving in different speed states. Moreover, the proposed model and algorithm can achieve the sharing of charging stations, the shared scheduling of electric distribution vehicles, and the reasonable electric vehicle routing optimization. Furthermore, the proposed model and algorithm can improve the operation efficiency of the multi-center joint distribution network and reduce the operating cost, thus providing theoretical support and decision-making reference for urban logistics and distribution enterprises to realize the rational configuration of charging stations and optimal scheduling of the electric distribution vehicles.

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    Omnichannel Pricing Strategy Based on ConsumersChannel Preference and Electronic Coupon Delivery

    SI Yinyuan, MENG Qingliang, YANG Wensheng, FU Zhu, LI Zonghuo
    2023, 32 (6):  1142-1163.  doi: 10.3969/j.issn.1005-2542.2023.06.002
    Abstract ( )   PDF (5976KB) ( )  

    With the rise of the omnichannel model, the issue of omnichannel promotion considering the placement of e-coupon has attracted much attention. To this end, this paper considers opening online, offline and BOPS (buy online, pick-up in-store) omnichannel retailing systems. Then, it introduces consumer channel preferences, e-coupon, and constructs four decision models of coupons of the same face value and different face value in omnichannel mode by brand owners themselves or by joint efforts of retail enterprises. Finally, it further analyzes the optimal pricing mix strategy of firm-product pricing and coupon face value. The result shows that compared with the self-established brand mode, the product pricing and coupon face value are higher in co-retailer establish mode. Compared with the same face value strategy, targeting coupons of different face value based on consumer preference can obtain a higher brand profit, while the opposite is true of retailers. When and only when the subsides, which is given to retailers by brand, are less than a certain threshold value, co-retailers can build BOPS channels with greater profits. The product price is based on BOPS channel purchase overflow, which is the coupon combination strategy, but the coupon face value needs to be controlled within the threshold value.

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    An Emergency Response Decision-Making Method for Emergencies Based on Prospect Theory and Probabilistic Linguistic Terms

    LI Baode, LV Jing, LI Jing
    2023, 32 (6):  1164-1175.  doi: 10.3969/j.issn.1005-2542.2023.06.003
    Abstract ( )   PDF (1448KB) ( )  

    To address the problem of uncertainty in decision information and the difficulty of complete rationality of decision-makers in emergency response decision-making, a novel approach to emergency response decision-making is proposed based on the prospect theory and probabilistic linguistic terms. First, the evaluation of decision-makers is represented as probabilistic linguistic terms, and a similarity measure of probabilistic linguistic terms based on Jensen-Shannon divergence is proposed. Then, the prospect theory, which can describe the mental behavior of decision-makers, is applied to the probabilistic linguistic environment, and a prospect decision matrix is constructed by combining the proposed similarity measure of probabilistic linguistic terms. Afterwards, a criterion weight model is constructed with the idea of deviation minimization to calculate the criterion weights, based on which, the overall prospect value of each alternative is obtained by combining the prospect decision matrix with the criterion weights, and the ranking of each alternative is obtained. Finally, a maritime accident case illustrates the effectiveness and superiority of the proposed method.

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    Ecolabeling Selection Strategies of Green Products with Different Cost Types Based on Consumer Skepticism

    YANG Deyan, FENG Zhangwei, YU Yunlong
    2023, 32 (6):  1176-1189.  doi: 10.3969/j.issn.1005-2542.2023.06.004
    Abstract ( )   PDF (3016KB) ( )  

    Ecolabeling has become an important tool for manufacturers to disclose green quality information. Information asymmetry leads to consumers’ skepticism on ecolabel, which becomes a key factor affecting manufacturers’ ecolabel strategy. By establishing game models among the label originator, the manufacturer, and the retailer, this paper investigates the ecolabeling strategies and differences of design-type and marginal-type green products based on consumer skepticism. The results show that ecolabeling strategies of green products depend on the cost type. Specifically, design-type product prefers industry labeling. However, the ecolabeling strategy of marginal-type product is still related to consumers’ skepticism. If consumers’ skepticism degree is relatively low, governmental labeling will be a better choice; otherwise, industry labeling might be better. In addition, with a relatively higher green level, wholesale/retail prices and green sales effort decisions, governmental labeling outperforms industry labeling from the perspectives of the retailer, consumer surplus, and social welfare. It is more advantageous for manufacturers to choose design-type product when the cost budget of green innovation is high. However, when the cost budget is low or constrainted, manufacturers will choose marginal-type product.

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    Integration of Flight Timetabling and Fleet Assignment Considering Multi-Segment Service Demand Response

    ZHOU Jing
    2023, 32 (6):  1190-1204.  doi: 10.3969/j.issn.1005-2542.2023.06.005
    Abstract ( )   PDF (1767KB) ( )  

    Aimed at an integrated problem of flight timetabling and fleet assignment under fluctuated multi-segment service demands in commercial airline service market, considering airline service attractiveness to consumers, a mixed integer linear programming model is constructed by replicating flights with multiple optional take-off time periods and using a time-space network. By predefining a discrete distribution for fluctuating demands as input data, flight timetabling and fleet assignment are taken as a whole and solved by CPLEX. Then a diving heuristic algorithm is designed and six examples are generated with 10 to 20 airports respectively for simulation test. The computational results show that when an example scale exceeds 12 airports, calculation speed and target value for the algorithm are better than CPLEX. Finally, sensitivity analysis is applied to verify the robustness of the algorithm, which indicates that the algorithm can help airlines find faster and better real-time decision-making solutions than CPLEX.

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    A Multi-Objective Dynamic Programming Approach for Pareto Front of a Disassembly Sequence Optimization Problen

    GUO Xiuping, ZHOU Yusha
    2023, 32 (6):  1205-1213.  doi: 10.3969/j.issn.1005-2542.2023.06.006
    Abstract ( )   PDF (5932KB) ( )  

    Aimed at a multi-objective disassembly sequence optimization problem, considering the precedence relations between the disassembly tasks, a transformed AND/OR graph (TAOG) based and Pareto based multi-objective dynamic programming approach (MODP) is proposed. Compared with other optimization algorithms, the proposed method does not need to adjust parameters and to consider the effects of the changing parameters. In addition, MODP can obtain the Pareto front of the multi-objective disassembly sequence optimization problem and is an exact algorithm for the problem. The simulation results show that the proposed algorithm is feasible and effective.

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    Theory and Application of Digital Transformation Maturity Assessment of Power Grid Enterprises

    ZHANG Zhanghuang, TANG Yuanchun, LIN Wenqin, ZHOU Zhaozheng, HUANG Dongmei
    2023, 32 (6):  1214-1222.  doi: 10.3969/j.issn.1005-2542.2023.06.007
    Abstract ( )   PDF (1331KB) ( )  

    Aimed at the problems of incomplete indicators selected by the existing enterprise digital maturity evaluation model and unreasonable setting of subjective and objective weights, a digital transformation maturity evaluation model based on power grid enterprises is proposed. Considering the key factors that affect the digital transformation of power grid enterprises, a model index system is built for evaluating the maturity of digital transformation of power grid enterprises. Using the analytic hierarchy process and the anti-entropy weight method, the calculation of the subjective and objective weights of the evaluation indicators is completed, based on which, in combination with the idea of dynamic feedback, the panel threshold model is used to deeply integrate the proportion of subjective and objective weights with the dynamic goals of the corresponding stage, so that the accuracy of the evaluation results is greatly improved. The case analysis shows that the model can realize dynamic adjustment based on the goals of each stage, ensure the accuracy of the evaluation results of the digital transformation maturity of power grid enterprises, and provide decision-making support and theoretical support for optimizing the digital transformation route of power grid enterprises.

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    Mechanism of Employee Cooperation Behavior Under the Impact of Intelligent System: From Individual Game to  Group Behavior Reversal

    DU Yuxiao, HU Bin, LONG Lirong
    2023, 32 (6):  1223-1243.  doi: 10.3969/j.issn.1005-2542.2023.06.008
    Abstract ( )   PDF (17685KB) ( )  

    This paper analyzes the factors affecting employee behavior from the perspective of the motivation-hygiene theory and uses game models to characterize employee behavior. It establishes the cellular automata model of the employee group, and employs the cusp catastrophe model to explore the employee group behavior reversal. It finds the existence of catastrophe mechanisms in the evolution of behavior selections of employee groups of different sizes. The intelligent system not only affects the behavior selections of employees, but also affects the stability of employee group behavior. The catastrophe mechanism in the employee group behavior evolution can be explained by the cusp catastrophe model. If the intelligent system can reduce the cooperation cost, the employee behavior selection reversals will increase in labor-intensive scenarios, and the employee behavior selection reversals will decrease in technology-intensive scenarios. These conclusions reveal the intelligent system,s impact on cooperation behavior of employee groups of different sizes in different scenarios. From the individual game of employees to the reversal of group behavior state, this paper analyzes employee cooperation behavior mechanism, enriching the theory of cooperation behavior. It integrates the game model, cellular automata, and the cusp catastrophe model, discovers new characteristics of the interaction among individual employees and the group behavior selection evolution, and provides practical guidance for enterprises.

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    Capacity Maturity Evaluation of City Safety Big Data Governance Based on Case-Source Evidence Reasoning

    LIU Zhaoge, ZHANG Ruijin, LI Xiangyang, QIAO Limin, WU Chong
    2023, 32 (6):  1244-1255.  doi: 10.3969/j.issn.1005-2542.2023.06.009
    Abstract ( )   PDF (2156KB) ( )  

    In order to systematically and objectively evaluate big data governance of government public services in the transformation of smart cities, a maturity evaluation method of city safety big data governance is proposed based on case source evidence reasoning. First, taking big data governance activities as the basic object, key process areas are extracted from different perspectives such as organization, regulation, process and technology, and the capacity goal sets of key process areas are defined. Then, in order to avoid the impact of subjective factors of expert scoring on the evaluation results, the case reference idea is introduced into the maturity evaluation. Based on the structural expression of the historical case source, the case-source evidence is retrieved according to case similarity, and synthesized to achieve capacity maturity evaluation using the evidence reasoning theory. The rationality of the proposed case-based method is analyzed by a case study of urban intelligent waterlogging prevention in Puyang, Henan Province. The result shows that the proposed method can realize the intelligent generation of maturity evaluation results, and the generated results have a strong differentiation and scenario adaptability, which helps governance decision-makers to accurately understand the weak points in the current city safety big data governance, and provides decision-making support for the updating and improvement of governance.

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    Evolution Dynamics of Cross-Regional Technological Collaborative Innovation Network Based on TERGM

    SU Jialu, LI Mingxing, MA Zejun, MA Zhiqiang
    2023, 32 (6):  1256-1269.  doi: 10.3969/j.issn.1005-2542.2023.06.010
    Abstract ( )   PDF (2083KB) ( )  

    Based on the joint patent applications of 41 cities in the Yangtze River Delta Urban Agglomeration from 2004 to 2020, a cross-regional technology collaborative innovation network is constructed, and the temporal exponential random graph model (TERGM) is used to empirically analyze the endogenous and exogenous dynamic factors that promote the evolution of the cross-regional technology collaborative innovation network. The result shows that the evolution of inter-city technological collaborative innovation relationships is the result of a combination of endogenous and exogenous factors. Inter-city technological innovation cooperation tends to be embedded in a triangle structure rather than a star-shaped structure, with prominent “small-world” and “high-agglomeration” characteristics. The evolution of the network has both stability and variability. The higher the level of economic development, advanced industrial structure and openness of cities in the network, the higher the probability of forming innovation cooperation with other cities. The cities with similar human capital levels are more inclined to establish new innovative cooperative relationships. Geographical, institutional, and organizational proximity have positive effects on inter-city technology innovation cooperation. Extending from cross-sectional to vertical dimensions and introducing time-dependent terms for the evolution dynamics of cross-regional technological collaborative innovation network, the findings provide a path reference for the development of regional integrated innovation, as well as a new perspective for the paradigm of social science research in the network economy era.

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    Are Public Innovation Policies More Conducive to Innovation of Mature Enterprises: Evidence from an A-Share Listed Enterprise

    LI Miaomiao, HAO Zhaoxing , SUN Yutao, CAO Guikun
    2023, 32 (6):  1270-1282.  doi: 10.3969/j.issn.1005-2542.2023.06.011
    Abstract ( )   PDF (1262KB) ( )  

    This paper explored the effect of public innovation policy on the innovation performance of enterprises at different life cycle stages, using 1694 A-share listed enterprises from 2012 to 2017, and further explored the moderating effect of state-owned holdings using group regression. The result shows that the public innovation policy has a significant incentive effect on the innovation performance of Chinese listed enterprises, but it does not have a synergistic incentive effect. The public innovation policy has a synergistic incentive effect on the innovation performance of enterprises in the growing stage and a statistically insignificant synergistic incentive effect on the innovation performance of enterprises in the mature stage, but it has a repulsion effect on the innovation performance of enterprises in the declining stage. The result also shows that state-controlling has a significant moderating effect between public innovation policy synergy and the innovation performance of enterprises in the growing and mature stage.

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    Dynamic Modeling and Forecasting of Realized Covariance Matrices in Commodity Futures Markets Based on Shrinkage and Sparsity Methods
    YANG Ke, FU Shengjie, TIAN Fengping
    2023, 32 (6):  1283-1298.  doi: 10.3969/j.issn.1005-2542.2023.06.012
    Abstract ( )   PDF (14530KB) ( )  

    With the continuous development of China’s futures market, the types of listed commodity futures are increasing. A large number of financial capital invested in commodity futures has become a new feature of commodity market operation. The importance of studying the covariance matrix of multiple commodity futures has become increasingly prominent. In this paper, the Bayesian shrinkage and sparse methods in machine learning are integrated into the VAR model with time-varying parameters, and a new SS-TVP-VAR model is constructed. The model is used to dynamically model and forecast the realized covariance matrices of multiple commodity futures. The empirical results show that the SS-TVP-VAR model can effectively predict the realized covariance matrix of China’s commodity futures market, and is superior to other fixed parameter models such as VAR-Lasso in terms of statistical accuracy and economic benefits. The variance and covariance of realized covariance matrix in China’s commodity futures markets have different driving structures, and variance is mainly driven by its own lags, while covariance is mainly driven by other lags. This paper helps investors and market managers perform asset allocation and risk management in terms of both covariance matrix driven structure and predicted future covariance matrix, which is of great practical significance to promote the high-quality development of China’s commodity futures market.

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    Characteristics of Phasal“Breakpoints”of High-Level Labor Factors and Enterprise Innovation:Based on Absorptive Capacity Theory and Williamson Hypothesis

    SUN Wenhao
    2023, 32 (6):  1299-1312.  doi: 10.3969/j.issn.1005-2542.2023.06.013
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    Studying the relationship between talent scale and enterprise innovation has an important reference value for the government to reasonably guide high-level labor factors to flow to enterprises and make enterprise innovative development. Based on the absorptive capacity theory and “Williamson” hypothesis, this paper finds that the high-level labor factor scale has a three-stage impact on enterprise innovation. The empirical analysis shows that the innovation of high-level labor factors in Chinese enterprises has a staged “breakpoint” feature, and is more inclined to the “breakpoint” feature indicated by the absorptive capacity theory. High-level labor factors flow to foreign enterprises, enterprises in eastern region and enterprises in industries with small innovation gap is more likely to make the high-level labor factor scale in enterprises break through the “breakpoint” value indicated by the absorptive capacity theory, which is beneficial for enterprise innovation. On the one hand, the government should introduce appropriate talent policies to guide the transfer of high-level labor factors from enterprises of phase III to enterprises of phase II. On the other hand, the government should implement appropriate industrial policies to build an innovation structure with a small innovation gap within the industry, create an ecological environment with fierce innovation competition, and guide high-level labor factors to flow to enterprise clusters with a small innovation gap for making enterprises innovative development.

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    Power of Brand: Brand Strength and Corporate Export Resilience
    WEI Yunyan
    2023, 32 (6):  1313-1324.  doi: 10.3969/j.issn.1005-2542.2023.06.014
    Abstract ( )   PDF (1276KB) ( )  

    Brands provide a lasting driving force for enhancing the corporate export resilience and achieving an upward trend in foreign trade. The data of Chinese listed enterprises from 2009 to 2013 are used and the negative impact caused by the 2008 global financial crisis is taken to empirically investigate the influence and mechanism of brand strength on corporate export resilience. The results show that the improvement of brand strength can significantly enhance corporate export resilience. This conclusion is still valid after the robustness tests and endogeneity treatment. Brand strength can enhance corporate export resilience by reducing financing constraints and enhancing export diversification. The increase in the proportion of female directors can positively regulate the relationship between brand strength and corporate export resilience and has a significant co-moderating effect on brand strength to restrain financing constraints and enhance export diversification.

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    High-Quality Development of Cultural Industry in  Digital Economy: Evidence from Film Industry

    LI Junbao, ZHANG Tao, SHI Zhanzhong
    2023, 32 (6):  1325-1335.  doi: 10.3969/j.issn.1005-2542.2023.06.015
    Abstract ( )   PDF (2805KB) ( )  

    In the digital economy era, the cultural industry has experienced a rapid growth. However, the specific mechanisms through which the digital economy facilitates the development of the cultural industry remain unclear. This paper adopts a micro-level perspective to theoretically deduce and empirically test these mechanisms using data from the film industry. On the supply side, digital technology enhances the diversity and quantity of cultural market supply by lowering the barriers to entry. On the demand side, digital platforms decrease consumers’ search costs and improve consumption structure. The quantile regression analysis indicate that at the lower quantiles of box office revenue, the effect of comment quantity on box office revenue is insignificant or weak, whereas at the higher quantiles, the positive effect of comment quantity on box office revenue is significantly stronger. This paper provides a novel perspective and empirical evidence for analyzing the high-quality development of the cultural industry driven by the digital economy.

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    Service Efficiency Evaluation of Large Medical Equipment Based on Cloud Model and Improved Evidence Theory: A Case Study of MRI Equipment in 14 Hospitals

    HUANG Luying, HUANG Qingming, LI Jinghui, YOU Jian, JING Guangyu, ZHENG Lulu, ZHANG Haikang, SHEN Bing
    2023, 32 (6):  1336-1347.  doi: 10.3969/j.issn.1005-2542.2023.06.016
    Abstract ( )   PDF (4081KB) ( )  

    In order to optimize the configuration of large medical equipment in hospitals, improve the use efficiency, and avoid issues such as idle waste and repeated purchases of equipment, a method for evaluating the use efficiency of large medical equipment based on cloud models and the improved evidence theory was proposed, taking MRI equipment from 14 hospitals as examples. First, an evaluation index system is constructed for the use efficiency of large medical equipment from three dimensions: operational efficiency, social benefits, and cost control. Then, the cloud model is applied to generate the membership degree of each evaluation index and convert it into a basic reliability allocation function. Afterwards, in order to reduce the conflict between evidence, the evidence theory is improved based on the game theory. The dynamic and static weights are integrated in the game, and the conflicting evidence is identified, corrected, and fused through the combination of weight values. Finally, by referring to the idea of average fit, the closeness values of the evaluated object is compared with the optimal and worst solutions, to obtain a comprehensive evaluation result. A comparison of the cloud model fuzzy comprehensive evaluation method with the cloud model traditional evidence theory indicates that this method has advantages in solving evidence conflicts and handling uncertainty problems, providing decision-making basis for improving the efficiency of large-scale medical equipment use and optimization configuration.

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