Journal of Systems & Management ›› 2022, Vol. 31 ›› Issue (6): 1031-1034.DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1005-2542.2022.06.001

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From System Management to Complex Systems Management——Written on the 30th Anniversary of the Journal of Systems and Management

SHENG Zhaohan   

  1. School of Management and Engineering, Nanjing University,Nanjing 210093,China
  • Online:2022-11-11 Published:2022-11-23



  1. 南京大学 工程管理学院,南京 210093
  • 作者简介:盛昭瀚(1944-),男,教授,博士生导师。研究方向为复杂工程管理理论创新、社会经济系统复杂性分析与计算实验

Abstract: Systematicity is the basic attribute of all management activities, theories and problems. In this way, "system management" is a management paradigm based on the thinking principle of " systematicity ". At present, we are facing the profound change of the time, which is the origin of the most realistic management complexity of the present era. This important phenomenon is called the arrival of the era of complex systems management.Complex systems management is a management paradigm for a class of reductionist irreversibility problems in complex systems. Qian Xuesen's complex thoughts and complex system view are the core and deposits of complex systems management thought. Human management activities are shifting from system management to complex systems management. With its new connotation, complex systems management has become a new field of management with academic leadership, pioneering and solemnity.

Key words: system management, complexity, complex systems management

摘要: 系统性是一切管理活动、理论与问题的基本属性。这样,“系统管理”就是以“系统性”为思维原则的管理范式;当今,我们正面临着人类深刻的时代性变革,这是当今时代最现实的管理复杂性的渊源,这一重大现象被人们称为复杂系统管理时代的到来。复杂系统管理是对复杂系统中一类还原论不可逆性问题的管理范式,钱学森的复杂性思维与复杂系统观是这一复杂系统管理思想的内核与底蕴。人类管理活动正出现从系统管理到复杂系统管理的转移;复杂系统管理已经以其新的内涵成为当今具有学术引领性、前沿性与厚重感的管理新领域。

关键词: 系统管理, 复杂性, 复杂系统管理

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