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    28 January 2024, Volume 33 Issue 1 Previous Issue    Next Issue

    Operation Decisions of a Fresh Low-Carbon Supply Chain Considering Carbon Emission in Production and Transportation

    FENG Ying, FENG Yangchao, ZHANG Jingxiong, XUAN Biao, ZHANG Yanzhi
    2024, 33 (1):  1-15.  doi: 10.3969/j.issn.1005-2542.2024.01.001
    Abstract ( )   PDF (1386KB) ( )  

    Considering that a retailer outsources logistics services to a third-party logistics (TPL) service provider and a manufacturer reduces carbon emissions, this paper explores the impact of carbon emission links and carbon policies on the operation decisions of a fresh low-carbon supply chain. By assuming that the service level of the TPL affects the freshness of fresh products and consumers have a low-carbon preference awareness, game models were constructed under carbon tax and carbon trading policies when considering carbon emissions from production alone and from both production and transportation, respectively. It is found that when considering production carbon emissions alone, the service level of the TPL is not affected by the change of carbon policy. However, when considering both production and transportation carbon emissions, the carbon emissions from transportation will generate additional costs, which will inhibit the willingness of the TPL to improve service level. If the carbon tax price is lower (higher) than the carbon trading price, the service level of the TPL under the carbon tax policy is also lower (higher) than the carbon trading policy. Furthermore, considering the special case that the logistics service cost, the freshness, and the carbon emission reduction cost are all power functions, it is found that the carbon emission behavior of supply chain members will indirectly weaken the reduction efforts of carbon-reduction enterprises. In the economically developed stage, in which the carbon-reduction technology is more mature, the government will be more inclined to implement the carbon trading policy. Non-carbon-reduction enterprises will act as the free riders, who can benefit from the increase of consumers’ willingness to pay and market demand caused by emission reduction enterprise. The profits of supply chain members are not necessarily damaged by the carbon emissions from the transportation. However, they will benefit from the rising market demand under certain circumstances.

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    Manufacturers’ Trade-In Channel Decisions in Closed-Loop Supply Chains

    TANG Fei, DAI Ying, MA Zujun
    2024, 33 (1):  16-28.  doi: 10.3969/j.issn.1005-2542.2024.01.002
    Abstract ( )   PDF (2288KB) ( )  

    This paper studies whether the manufacturer should independently offer trade-in service himself or allow his retailer to offer trade-in service in a closed-loop supply chain consisting of one manufacturer and one retailer, where either the manufacturer or the retailer may provide trade-in services and bear the corresponding fixed trade-in cost. It first develops three decision models for the closed-loop supply chain under the scenarios of no trade-in service, manufacturer undertaking trade-in service, and retailer undertaking trade-in service, respectively. Then, it analyzes the game in offering trade-in services between the supply chain members when considering fixed trade-in cost. The results show that with the change in the fixed trade-in cost, the manufacturer and the retailer may get into conflict because both of them prefer to offer the trade-in service or both prefer to be a “free rider”, instead of undertaking the trade-in service by himself/herself. In this case, either of them can eliminate such conflict, or “free-riding”, by providing appropriate compensations to the other, thus both sides are more profitable than when no trade-in service is available. However, as the total profit of the closed-loop supply chain system is still sub-optimal, the manufacturer can further design corresponding contracts based on the centralized decision model to achieve closed-loop supply chain coordination.

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    Optimal Decisions and Coordination of Power Battery Remanufacturing Supply Chain under Irrational Preferences

    LIU Zhi, WANG Hui, LIU Changyi, TANG Juan, GONG Bengang
    2024, 33 (1):  29-45.  doi: 10.3969/j.issn.1005-2542.2024.01.003
    Abstract ( )   PDF (8846KB) ( )  

    Considering the uncertain residual capacity of power batteries, this paper develops a remanufacturing supply chain (RSC) consisting of a battery supplier and an energy vehicle manufacturer, and discusses the equilibrium solutions under five decision-making scenarios, including no irrational, single irrational and bilateral irrational preferences. The results show that, an increase in the remanufacturing capacity starting point enhances the collection quantity. Under the bilateral irrational preferences scenario, the increase of suppliers altruism (fairness) preference enhances (reduces) the profits of the manufacturer and system, while always reduces that of itself. The impact of the manufacturers irrational preference on the profits is related to the degree of suppliers irrational preference. Under the single irrational preference scenario, an increase of the members altruism (fairness) preference reduces (enhances) its own profit while enhances (reduces) another partys profit. A two-part tariff contract and a revenue sharing contract can coordinate the RSC under the bilateral irrational preferences scenario.

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    Three-Party Evolutionary Game Analysis of New Retail Platform, Deliverymen, and Consumer Considering Delivery Traffic Risk

    WANG Yi, LI Xiuhui, LUO Xinggang
    2024, 33 (1):  46-58.  doi: 10.3969/j.issn.1005-2542.2024.01.004
    Abstract ( )   PDF (7619KB) ( )  

    In recent years, the traffic accident rate of deliverymen on new retail platforms has been rising, which has aroused widespread concern in the society. Due to concerns about delivery delays and customer complaints, deliverymen often choose dangerous driving behaviors such as violating regulations and speeding during delivery. To avoid customers complaining about delivery delays, more and more platforms are actively establishing delay compensation mechanisms, which provides compensation to customers whenever delivery delay occurs. However, whether such compensation mechanism can effectively reduce consumer complaints, and, in turn, affect the delivery behavior of deliverymen and reduce traffic risks in their delivery is an important issue worth studying. This paper constructs a tripartite evolutionary game model consisting of platforms, deliverymen, and consumers. The platform determines whether to establish a delivery delay compensation mechanism for customers, the deliverymen determine the delivery behavior, and the customers determine whether to complain in the case of delay. It is found that the direct delay penalty on deliverymen is the most critical influencing factor in deliverymen’s strategies. When this penalty is sufficiently large, any strategic choice made by the platform or consumers cannot change the “deliverymen’s dilemma” where deliverymen generally evolve towards high risk delivery strategies. However, when the platform can have sufficient direct benefit from building compensation mechanism, and the platform and consumers generally have more empathy for deliverymen, the three-way evolution strategy equilibrium can achieve an ideal state: the platform builds an active compensation mechanism, deliverymen choose low-risk delivery mode, and consumers do not complain about delivery delay.

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    On Scheduling MRI Appointments with Changeover Cost

    LIN Hui, WANG Shan
    2024, 33 (1):  59-75.  doi: 10.3969/j.issn.1005-2542.2024.01.005
    Abstract ( )   PDF (1719KB) ( )  

    Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is one of the important methods of modern medical imaging diagnosis. MRI equipment will incur changeover costs when scanning different organs. To improve the utilization rate of the equipment and the satisfaction of patients, a Markov decision process model was established to minimize the long-term cost. This optimization model is the first one to weight the changeover cost and the inter-day waiting cost of patients. The optimal schedule can be obtained by using the policy iteration algorithm. To reduce the computational complexity, a polynomial time algorithm based on single day policy, open access policy and myopic policy is designed. In addition, by ignoring the capacity constraint, a decomposition algorithm is proposed, and the performance is close to the optimal solution when the inspection capacity is tight or sufficient. By comparing the actual scheduling of a general hospital in Shanghai, the above algorithms is verified to achieve significant improvements in terms of examination capacity, rejection rate, average waiting, and average number of daily examination types.

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    Collaborative Scheduling of Grading and Pre-Cooling Vehicles for Post-Harvest Fruits and Vegetables: Model Formulations and Solution Algorithms

    WANG Xuping, WANG Yue, LI Ya, LIN Na
    2024, 33 (1):  76-89.  doi: 10.3969/j.issn.1005-2542.2024.01.006
    Abstract ( )   PDF (3805KB) ( )  

    The application of the emerging mobile grading and pre-cooling technology to the post-harvest processing of fruits and vegetables in the field can help reduce quality losses, which has also spawned the problem of collaborative optimization of post-harvest first mile cold chain logistics links. Taking the post-harvest grading and pre-cooling stages as examples, this paper comprehensively considers the specific collaborative scenario including the best pre-cooling time for fruits and vegetables and the service order of first grading and then pre-cooling, and develops a collaborative optimization model for scheduling grading and pre-cooling resources. Different from the existing related models, this paper considers special effect of delayed pre-cooling on the freshness of fruits and vegetables, and designs a delayed pre-cooling cost function to minimize service operation costs while ensuring product quality. It designs a hybrid genetic algorithm to solve the model, which combines the genetic algorithm and the neighborhood search algorithm to enhance the local and global search capabilities of the hybrid algorithm. In the proposed algorithm, the solution representation based on the dual sequence, the crossover operator based on the optimal insertion strategy, and the three-stage neighborhood search-based mutation operator are developed in combination with the dual-demand characteristics of the problem and key collaborative constraints, aiming to improve the convergence speed and solution quality of the algorithm. Compared with the standard genetic algorithm and the variable neighborhood search algorithm, it is verified that the algorithm proposed in this paper can converge to higher quality solutions faster when solving large-scale instances. The validity of the model is proved using the practical grading and pre-cooling data of the peach industry in Luochuan County, Shaanxi Province. This paper helps to introduce the idea of collaborative optimization into the first mile cold chain logistics of post-harvest fruits and vegetables, and provides innovative solutions for reducing post-harvest losses of fruits and vegetables in China.

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    Research on Industrial Security of China’s Manufacturing IndustrBased on CH-DEA Model

    KONG Yudan, LIU Jiaguo, YU Lean
    2024, 33 (1):  90-103.  doi: 10.3969/j.issn.1005-2542.2024.01.007
    Abstract ( )   PDF (2847KB) ( )  

    At the beginning of 2020, the global outbreak of the COVID-19 had a substantial impact on China’s manufacturing sector, which in turn had an impact on the steady growth of the entire economy. Therefore, it is imperative to analyze the security situation of the manufacturing industry to deal with manufacturing security risks. This paper innovatively proposes cross hierarchical data envelopment analysis (CH-DEA) and establishes the index framework for manufacturing security evaluation. The results indicate that from 2005 to 2020, the overall security situation of the manufacturing industry has improved, i.e., the ability of manufacturing industry to cope with emergencies and independent development is constantly improving. The examination of micro-obstacle factors reveals that the current barrier is the shrinkage of the industry scale, which ought to be strengthened by utilizing the capacity for scientific research and innovation. The examination of macro-environmental factors indicates that the GDP and product market are positively correlated with the manufacturing industry security. Benign market competition may encourage manufacturing enterprises to invest more to adopt large-scale production and upgradequipment, thereby enhancing competitiveness.

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    Transformation of Enterprise Patent Market Value Base on the Perspective of the Four-Party Evolutionary Game

    REN Shengce, CAO Yougen, DU Mei, RUI Shaowei
    2024, 33 (1):  104-123.  doi: 10.3969/j.issn.1005-2542.2024.01.008
    Abstract ( )   PDF (5702KB) ( )  

    Creation, protection, and application are important links in the enterprise patent ecological system, and accelerating the transformation of market value is the key measure to promote the closed-loop development of the enterprise patent ecological system. In view of the reality of a large domestic technology market but a lack of high-quality patents, the key to improving the transformation level of enterprise patent market value is to discover the patent with a high market value and identify the patent with a low market value, so as to avoid problems such as difficulty in pledging, financing, and transaction caused by difficult evaluation in the subsequent transformation process from the source. However, enhancing the visibility of the market value of patent greatly depends on enterprise information disclosure strategies, promotion of science and technology intermediary institutions, investment willingness of financial institutions and government regulatory policies. Therefore, from the perspective of the patent ecological system, this paper, by constructing a four-party game model of government, enterprise, science and technology intermediaries, and financial institutions, studies the evolutionary relationship and equilibrium stability strategy of four-party game, and analyzes the key factors affecting the strategy selection of each entity through Matlab simulation. The results show that there are equilibrium and stability strategies in the four-party game system, in which the enterprise and the government are the decisive forces to determine the evolution of the game system. The influencing degree of each entity on other’s initial strategy selection shows an obvious asymmetry. When the strategy choice, evolution speed, and maintenance time of each entity change with the change of strategy implementation cost, only enterprises and governments are more sensitive to the change of information disclosure benefits. Government regulation plays an important role in guiding and correcting the strategic choice of different game entities, especially the strategic patent information disclosure behavior of enterprises. Based on the perspective of the four-party evolutionary game of the discovery and transformation of patent market value, this paper enriches and expands the content and methodology of the transformation of scientific and technological achievements, and has a strong practical significance for guiding the government to inspire the ecological entities of patent to engage in the coordinated action of the transformation of patent market value.

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    Market-Incentive Based Environmental Regulation and Regional Green Innovation Efficiency: Intermediary Role Based on Optimization of Industrial Structure and Regulatory Role of Fiscal Decentralization

    XIAO Zhenhong, TAN Rui, AN Rui, LUO Xiaomei
    2024, 33 (1):  124-136.  doi: 10.3969/j.issn.1005-2542.2024.01.009
    Abstract ( )   PDF (1326KB) ( )  

    Market-incentivized environmental regulation is an important way to solve the negative externalities of environmental governance and promote the efficiency of regional green innovation. Taking the provincial panel data from 2005 to 2020 as the research object, the systematic generalized moment model (GMM) method was used to examine the influencing effect and mechanism of market incentive environmental regulation on regional green innovation efficiency. The results show that market-incentivized environmental regulation can significantly promote the improvement of regional green innovation efficiency. From the perspective of impact mechanism, market-incentivized environmental regulation can significantly promote the improvement of regional green innovation efficiency by promoting the rationalization of industrial structure and the upgrading of industrial structure. In addition, an effective fiscal decentralization environment can positively adjust the relationship between market-incentivized environmental regulation and regional green innovation efficiency.

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    Supply Chain Credit Risk Contagion, Banking Strategy, and Risk Control

    HUANG Ran, FENG Xiaoyu
    2024, 33 (1):  137-149.  doi: 10.3969/j.issn.1005-2542.2024.01.010
    Abstract ( )   PDF (2447KB) ( )  

    Under the impact of sudden events such as supply chain disruption and the novel coronavirus epidemic, the problem of credit risk contagion in supply chain firms has become increasingly prominent. Developing effective measures to control risk contagion among supply chain has become one of the most urgent issues in supply-chain risk management. Therefore, this paper analyzes the associated relationship of supply chain and the credit risk contagion path by constructing a tripartite game model with a supplier, a retailer, and a bank. It also studies the impact of related factors on the decisions of three players which could further affect the intensity of credit risk contagion. Moreover, it explores the role that the bank could play in restraining credit risk contagion. The results show that changes in the product price and the production cost have a significant effect on the decisions of the retailer and the supplier and the contagion intensity. However, the bank could keep the contagion intensity at a low level and obtain the locally optimal profit by setting the credit limit. Furthermore, the bank could realize global optimization and maintain a relatively lower contagion intensity if it adopts the dual-credit strategy of setting both the credit limit and the loan interest rate.

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    Stock Trading Strategy via Deep Reinforcement Learning with Behavior Cloning

    YANG Xingyu, CHEN Liangwei, ZHENG Xiaoteng, ZHANG Yong
    2024, 33 (1):  150-161.  doi: 10.3969/j.issn.1005-2542.2024.01.011
    Abstract ( )   PDF (6814KB) ( )  

    In order to improve the return of stock investment and reduce the risk, this paper introduces the idea of behavior cloning in imitation learning into the deep reinforcement learning framework to design a stock trading strategy. In the process of strategy design, the dueling deep Q-learning (DQN) algorithm and behavior cloning are combined, which enables the agent to imitate the decision of pre-constructed investment expert while exploring autonomously. A numerical experiment is conducted on selected stocks from different industries, which illustrates that the designed trading strategy is superior to the comparison strategies in terms of the return and risk metrics such as the annualized percentage yield (APY), Sharpe ratio (SR), and Calmar ratio (CR). The research result shows that combining imitation learning and deep reinforcement learning enables the agent to simultaneously have the abilities of exploration and imitation, and thus improves the generalization ability of the model and the applicability of the strategy. 

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    Residents’ Perception-Emotion-Intention in Housing Demolition and Relocation: Impacts of Risk Perception, Trust in Government, and Anxiety on Intention to Support

    SONG Jinbo, QIAN Chen, FENG Zhuo, MA Liang
    2024, 33 (1):  162-176.  doi: 10.3969/j.issn.1005-2542.2024.01.012
    Abstract ( )   PDF (1366KB) ( )  

    Focusing on residents’ concerns and intentions under people-oriented ideas and respecting public opinion are the core concepts for promoting the new urbanization and relocation transformation. Nevertheless, most existing studies merely focus on the impacts of residents’ multiple types of perceptions on their behavioral intention to support the urban policy. Less attention is paid to the role of residents’ emotions in the relationship between perceptions and intention. Through qualitative research, this paper develops a multi-dimensional conception of risk perception towards housing demolition and relocation, comprising livelihood risk, adaptation risk, and benefit risk. Furthermore, it establishes a perception-emotion-intention model, in which perceptions are represented by risk perception and trust in government, and anxiety plays an intermediary role between residents’ perceptions and policy support intention. The results from a large-scale questionnaire survey conducted in 18 pilot regions of China’s new-type urbanization illustrate that anxiety partially mediates the negative effect of risk perception on residents’ intention to support. Trust in government has a direct positive effect on residents’ intention, as well as an indirect effect through the mediator of anxiety. Moreover, the direct effect is significantly greater than the indirect one. Theoretically, this paper integrates anxiety as an important mediator into the theoretical framework for the formation of residents’ behavioral intention. Practically, the above findings provide knowledge for better promoting the construction of new-type urbanization and avoiding mass incidents by timely relieving residents’ anxiety, implementing differentiated policies for different vulnerable groups, facilitating the expression of public opinions, and enhancing the credibility of grassroots governments.

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    Ethical Dilemma of Pro-Environmental Behavior of Chinese Residents and Their Influence on Their Awareness of the Behavior

    LU Hui, LIU Xinmiao, LIU Xia, CHEN Hong
    2024, 33 (1):  177-193.  doi: 10.3969/j.issn.1005-2542.2024.01.013
    Abstract ( )   PDF (2413KB) ( )  

    Starting from the logical contradiction between “cost” and “altruism” implied by the pro-environmental behavior of residents, using the “psychological fence” as a metaphor, and focusing on the ethical dilemma of pro-environmental behavior, this paper innovatively interprets the contradictory cognitive factors that hinder the self-awareness of pro-environmental behavior of residents and argues that the ethical dilemma of pro-environmental behavior experienced by residents in the course of their actions can be seen as a holistic cognitive process of identifying, interpreting, evaluating and judging the conflict points formed by multiple inconsistent ethical or behavioral codes. Then, following the introduction of dual inheritance theory, along the line of reasoning of “genes and culture - social and personal norms - the ethical dilemma of pro-environmental behavior”, it identifies a four-dimensional structure of the ethical dilemma of pro-environmental behavior among Chinese residents by integrating grounded and quantitative research: ego dimension, role dimension, relationship dimension, and space dimension. The results of the empirical study show that the ethical dilemma of pro-environmental behavior has a significant negative predictive effect on voluntary pro-environmental behavior in both the public and private domains. The findings of this paper not only enrich the multi-faceted study of the pro-environmental behavior theory, but also extend the boundaries of the application of the ethical dilemma theory, and provide systematic, precise, and individualized guidance and assistance to multiple actors, such as government, organizations, communities, families, and individuals, in the process of promoting universal pro-environmental behavior.

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    Do Undervalued Independent Directors Choose to Quit or Stay? A Research Based on Organizational Justice Theory and  Social Exchange Theory

    WU Shifei, CHEN Shihua
    2024, 33 (1):  194-213.  doi: 10.3969/j.issn.1005-2542.2024.01.014
    Abstract ( )   PDF (1627KB) ( )  

    Based on the organizational justice theory, existing studies have found that undervalued independent directors are more likely to quit due to perceived unfairness. However, the existing research cannot explain why some undervalued independent directors do not choose to quit, and that those “undervalued” independent directors who stayed on the board would have more promotion opportunities later. In order to answer the above questions, by introducing the social exchange theory in addition to the organizational justice theory, arguments are derived that the social exchange relationship of independent directors (based on the social exchange theory) has a negative moderating effect on the positive relationship between the undervaluation of independent directors and their turnovers (based on the organizational justice theory). Moreover, the undervalued independent directors who do not quit will have more chances of “promotion” (based on the organizational justice theory). The empirical study of the data of the independent directors of Chinese A-share listed companies from 2008 to 2017 supports the above theoretical inferences. To be specific, the social exchange relationship plays a significant negative moderating role in the relationship between the undervaluation of independent directors and their turnovers. Specifically, when the undervalued independent directors are appointed by the current chairman, or when the undervalued independent directors have better social skills, the positive effect of their undervaluation on turnovers is weaker. For independent directors who are undervalued and do not quit, they are more likely to be “promoted” later.

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    ESG Disclosure, External Concerns, and Firm Risk

    JIANG Yichi, YAO Shujie
    2024, 33 (1):  214-229.  doi: 10.3969/j.issn.1005-2542.2024.01.015
    Abstract ( )   PDF (1310KB) ( )  

    This paper empirically examines the impact and underlying mechanisms of disclosing environmental, social, and governance (ESG) information on firm risk in Chinese A-share listed companies from 2011 to 2020. The results reveal that proactive ESG disclosure reduces risk for firms, and this effect is enhanced by media and analyst attention. The analysis of mechanisms demonstrates that ESG disclosure mitigates firm risk by improving stakeholder identification, reducing information asymmetry, and managing ESG risks. Additionally, heterogeneity tests indicate that the risk reduction from ESG disclosure is particularly significant for non-state-owned enterprises and firms in the growth and mature stages. This paper helps understand the inherent logic of risk management in enterprises through ESG strategies, and provides empirical evidence for regulatory bodies to strengthen ESG disclosure guidelines, thereby enhancing the overall quality of listed companies.

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    Design of Robust Contracts and Its Application Based on Dynamic Investment

    GAN Liu, XIA Xin
    2024, 33 (1):  230-239.  doi: 10.3969/j.issn.1005-2542.2024.01.016
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    This paper integrates the principal ambiguity aversion into the dynamic investment model to design robust contracts. It utilizes robust decision-making and martingale methods to provide solutions for robust contracts. It then examines the effects of volatility ambiguity of the principal on corporate investment, pricing of corporate securities, Tobin q, equity premium, and credit spreads. It is found that robust contracts generate heterogeneous beliefs between ambiguity averse principals and agents, resulting in principals believing that the cash flow volatility is higher than the true volatility. In particular, when the firm is close to the liquidation limit or when agents’ effort costs is low, principals’ perceived volatility is relatively higher, leading to a more severe underinvestment. The volatility ambiguity reduces shareholder value, investment ratio under the contract, and average q of the firm. These results are helpful for grasping the internal laws of the impact mechanism of principal compensation contract design, and have a certain reference value for the improvement of corporate governance and the improvement of investment efficiency, while deepening contract theory research.

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    Blindness Without Confusion: Transformation and Upgrading of Traditional Industries Embedded in the Value Galaxy

    YAN Guanqun, ZHANG Yifeng
    2024, 33 (1):  240-258.  doi: 10.3969/j.issn.1005-2542.2024.01.017
    Abstract ( )   PDF (5278KB) ( )  

    The ability of value creation is not only the core competitiveness of enterprises,  but also the fundamental driving force for the traditional industries to transform and upgrade in the face of serious homogenization and loss of cost advantage. Based on the theory of value galaxy, this paper analyzes the process and principles of value creation in the process of traditional enterprise transformation, using the mystery box as an example. The results show that the innovative value creation system is an integrated multi-value output system with a strong openness, interaction, mutuality and spontaneity. The value galaxy is an innovative value creation system created and maintained by the star enterprise with high level elements, while other constellation enterprises with medium and low-level elements show a hierarchical distribution. The value galaxy transforms the value creation mode from independent creation by one to joint creation by multiple constellations, and its advantages come from customer value, dynamic aggregation and core competence. Based on the above analysis, this paper proposes suggestions on the paths and ways that enterprises with different elements can take in the process of transformation and upgrading.

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    Mutual Benefit and Win-Win, or Being Independent: Configuration Analysis of Green Smart City Construction Under the Dual Carbon Target

    LI Youdong, YAN Chenli, ZHAO Yunhui, ZHI Huawei
    2024, 33 (1):  259-274.  doi: 10.3969/j.issn.1005-2542.2024.01.018
    Abstract ( )   PDF (3610KB) ( )  

    The green smart city is an important strategic layout in response to carbon peaking and carbon neutrality target and the construction of ecological civilization. The existing research mainly focuses on the “green” or “smart” level. The synergistic effect of “green” and “wisdom” has not been fully paid attention to. Therefore, the path law of their integrated development needs to be revealed. In view of this, from the perspective of configuration, a theoretical model is built under the technology-organization-environment (TOE) framework, and the method of combining necessity analysis (NCA) and qualitative comparative analysis of fuzzy sets (fsQCA) is used to explore the antecedent configuration of green smart city construction with 234 prefecture level cities in China as research cases. The results show that a single condition does not constitute a necessary condition for a high level of green and intelligent construction, but the combination of “digital level+urbanization level” and “attention distribution+superior pressure” constitutes a necessary condition for a high level of green intelligent construction. There are five paths driving the construction of green smart cities, which are specifically divided into three types: dual drive of “digital and urbanization”, dual drive of “superior pressure and government attention”, and dual drive of “superior pressure and government attention under the logic of digital and urbanization”, among which, there is a mutually beneficial (or symbiotic) relationship between the two conditions of “digital level+urbanization level” and “attention distribution+superior pressure”. In the regional study, there are also significant differences and substitution relationships in the construction paths of the eastern, central, and western regions of China. The research conclusion provides theoretical guidance for revealing the mechanism and construction path of green smart cities.

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