Journal of Systems & Management ›› 2022, Vol. 31 ›› Issue (6): 1162-1168.DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1005-2542.2022.06.012

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Key Core Technologies and Their Tackling Strategies Based on the Perspective of Security and Stability on Industrial Chain and Supply Chain

ZHONG Weijun, MEI Shu’e, PU Zhengning   

  1. School of Economics and Management, Southeast University, Nanjing 211189, China
  • Online:2022-11-11 Published:2022-11-24



  1. 东南大学经济管理学院,南京 211189
  • 作者简介:仲伟俊(1962-),男,博士,教授。研究方向科技创新管理、信息系统管理
  • 基金资助:

Abstract: Breaking through key core technologies and improving the security and stability of the industrial chain and the supply chain of China’s important industries is a major strategic task related to national security and high-quality development. Based on the development reality that China is a late-developing country, this paper first explains the concept and characteristics of key core technologies from the perspective of industrial development and competition between countries, and clarifies different types of key core technologies such as the ones that “can restrict others” and the ones that “can be restricted by others”, the ones that “we do not have, but others do”, and the ones “we have, but others are better”. Then, it analyzes the ways to enhance the security and stability of the industrial chain and the supply chain and the corresponding key core technology tasks, and clarifies the need to simultaneously promote the key core technology research of the ones that “can restrict others” and the ones that “can be restricted by others”. Finally, it proposes the strategies to promote different kinds of key core technologies by developing high-quality new products with independent brands, alternative new products, disruptive new products, and brand-new products.

Key words: key core technologies, new products, industrial chain, supply chain, security and stability

摘要: 突破关键核心技术,提升我国重要产业链供应链的安全稳定性,是事关国家安全和高质量发展全局的重大战略任务。考虑我国这类后发国家的发展现实,分别从产业发展和国家间竞争视角诠释了关键核心技术的概念和特点,厘清了“卡人”和“被卡”“我无人有”与“我有人优”等不同类型的关键核心技术;分析了提升产业链供应链安全稳定性的途径及其相应的关键核心技术攻关任务,明确需要同时推进“卡人”和“被卡”两类关键核心技术攻关。最后,提出了通过开发自主品牌高档新产品、替代性新产品、颠覆性新产品和全新产品等多类新产品带动不同类型关键核心技术攻关的策略。

关键词: 关键核心技术, 新产品, 产业链, 供应链, 安全稳定

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